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Сколько по времени делается виза в чехию: сроки оформления по времени и на сколько дней дают

«Как оформить визу в Чехию самостоятельно?» – Яндекс.Кью

Жители РФ часто обращаются за инструкцией, как получить визу в Чехию, чтобы решить вопрос самостоятельно и сэкономить деньги. Если знать правила оформления, можно быстро оформить разрешение и отправиться по своим делам — учиться, путешествовать, работать или воплощать в жизнь иные задачи. Ниже рассмотрим инструкцию, как решить вопрос самостоятельно, куда необходимо обращаться, какие бумаги готовить и во сколько обойдется оформление.

Виды виз в Чехию

До того, как получать чешскую визу, определитесь с подходящим типом. У путешественников имеются ряд вариантов:

  1. Транзитная — выдается для перемещения через аэропорты Чехии при перелете в другие страны. Выделяется также безвизовый тип транзита, при котором допускается нахождение на территории аэровокзала в срок до 24 часов (актуально для перелета в государство, не входящее в Шенген).
  2. Кратковременная (С)
    — предоставляется для туристических целей, деловых поездок, посещения родных или близких. Имеет лимитированный период активности до 90 суток за полгода. При получении такой визы можно путешествовать и по другим государствам Шенгена. Делится на два типа — одноразовая (одно путешествие) и многократная (для нескольких поездок). Срок действия чешской визы типа С может отличаться — от 2-3 суток (по сроку путешествия) до нескольких лет.
  3. Долгосрочная (D) — национальное разрешение, позволяющее быть на территории республики свыше 90 суток (до 12 месяцев). При желании допускается продление визового документа. При получении такого разрешения можно путешествовать и по другим государствам Шенгена, но периодом до 90 дней.

Наиболее востребована среди путешественников виза в Чехию типа С. Именно на ней заострим внимание.

Куда обращаться?

Самый прямолинейный путь — прийти в Посольство ЧР (Чешской республики). Если интересует, как получить визу в Чехию в Москве, необходимо обратиться по одному из официальных адресов. В качестве альтернативы можно пойти Визовый центр. На территории Москвы официальным представителем является ВФС Глобал.

Если нет желания оформлять разрешение самостоятельно, можно поручить работу специализированным компаниям или турагентству. Последний вариант подходит при поездке в страну в целях туризма. Отметим, что наиболее бюджетный вариант — доверить решение задачи напрямую работникам Посольства, ведь в остальных ситуациях за получение визы в Чехию придется переплатить (оплата услуг).

Какие потребуются документы

Разбираясь с дилеммой, как получить визу в Чехию самостоятельно, начните с изучения требований по документации. Для успешного оф

Сколько делается виза в Чехию (по времени, сроки оформления, изготовления)

Чешская Республика предлагает россиянам самые разные виды отдыха – это и туристические экскурсии, и лечебные курорты, и туры по достопримечательностям. Как и ранее

виза в

Чехию для россиян в 2020 году оформляется не только туристами: все категории граждан России обязаны оформлять разрешение на въезд. Чехия – это Шенген уже более десяти лет (с 2020 года), поэтому все граждане тех государств, с которыми действует визовый режим, получают въездные визы по регламентированному порядку.

Самостоятельно визу в Чехию можно получить как через отделы чешских сервисно-визовых центров в нескольких российских городах, так и через Генеральные Консульства при Посольстве Республики в Москве, Екатеринбурге, Санкт-Петербурге.
Решившим оформить визу без отказов, быстро и недорого, рекомендуем визовый центр Online.

Получить чешский Шенген легко – власти страны лояльны к российским заявителям.

Нужна ли виза

Виза в Чехию для россиян нужна в любой ситуации: будь то туристическая поездка, визит в гости к близким родственникам/друзьям, переезд для целей устройства на работу/поступления на учебу, деловая командировка или лечение. Во всех ситуациях надо сделать визу преждевременно.

Вопрос заключается в том, какая именно

виза в

Чехию нужна россиянам, так как их бывает несколько видов. Например, если гражданин РФ собрался переезжать в Чешскую республику на постоянное жительство, сначала требуется получить временное разрешение на въезд, и только после этого возможно получение разрешения на ПМЖ. А в том, нужна ли

виза в

Чехию для россиян для обычных туристических поездок или личных визитов с другими целями, сомнений

Сколько дней делается шенгенская виза в Чехию

Чехия на сегодняшний день является излюбленным местом сбора большого количества российских туристов, поэтому популярность запросов сколько делается виза в Чехию с каждым годом имеет тенденцию к увеличению. Многие россияне посещают эту страну Европейского союза с самыми различными целями: туристическими, образовательными или для трудоустройства. Независимо от цели визита для въезда в Чехию гражданину РФ необходима шенгенская виза, которую можно сделать либо через турагентство, либо самостоятельно через визовый центр дипломатического представительства Чешской республики.

Виды виз в Чехию и скорость их оформления

Скорость оформления визы зависит непосредственно от целей визита в Чехию. Краткосрочная виза, выдаваемая на срок до трёх месяцев, оформляется в промежуток времени от пяти до десяти дней. Этот документ необходимо получить для туристических поездок, визитов к родственникам и для транзита в другие государства. Однако при желании можно ускорить это процесс, срочную визу можно получить всего за три дня. Правда, тогда этот документ обойдётся его соискателю значительно дороже. Мультивиза делалась гражданам Российской Федерации за несколько больший период времени — 1-2 недели.

Внимание! Рассмотрение заявления на студенческую визу происходит в течение 60 дней, а рабочая трудовая виза делается даже дольше — 3-4 месяца в зависимости от потока соискателей на въезд в Чехию.

Сейчас имеются предпосылки того, что скоро визовый режим с Чехией будет упрощён. Этот вопрос уже не раз поднимался на самом высоком политическом уровне. Однако на сегодняшний день получение визы в Чехию осуществляется на прежних условиях.

Оформление визы туроператором

Получение шенгена через турфирму слывёт наиболее простым решением проблемы, поскольку менеджеры компании проинспектируют своих клиентов относительно всех необходимых для подачи документов, помогут корректно заполнить анкету и дополнительно проверят её правильность. Также резервирование туристической путёвки через специализированную компанию служит хорошей гарантией платёжеспособности и ответственности человека, желающего въехать в Чехию. В этом случае у дипломатов появляется уверенность, что дополнительный контроль за заявителем будет осуществляться ещё с одной стороны.

Ранее турфирмами делалась подача заявки от имени их клиентов, что избавляло туристов от необходимости тратить драгоценное время и силы на ожидание в визовом центре. Сейчас же при первичном обращении за шенгеном требуется личное присутствие заявителя, даже если он оформляется через турагентство.

Оформление визы самостоятельно

В наши дни многие наши соотечественники всё чаще и чаще начинают практиковать самостоятельное оформление виз в Чехию. В этом случае туристам сперва нужно определиться с учреждением, куда следует подавать заявление. В большинстве российских мегаполисов существуют визовые центры, в которых можно оформить шенгенскую визу.

Внимание! Появилась возможность заполнения анкеты удалённо через глобальную сеть и перевода документов на рассмотрение в электронном виде в визовый отдел дипломатического представительства. Для этого гражданину необходимо будет зарегистрироваться на интернет ресурсе посольства, где ему назначено точное время.

К перечню собираемых документов в этом случае добавляется бронь транспортных услуг и гостиницы, копия медицинской страхового полиса с лимитом возмещения от 30 тысяч евро и выше. Перед отправкой документов можно запросить бесплатное собеседование в учреждении, куда запланирована подача заявления на получение вожделенного документа.

Стоимость получения визы

Несмотря на то, что, прибегая к услугам туроператора человек значительно экономит своё время и нервы, у этого способа имеется один серьёзный недостаток, а именно его высокая стоимость. В текущем году цены на данные услуги турфирм распределяются следующим образом:

  1.  Взрослым и детям, начиная от 6 лет, заветная виза в Чехию будет стоить от 80 евро.
  2.  Стоимость срочной при таком раскладе увеличивается от 140 евро.
  3.  Для детей, не достигших шестилетнего возраста, шенгенская виза обойдётся в 40 евро.

При самостоятельном оформлении визы в Консульстве придётся заплатить консульский сбор в размере 35 евро, если же требуется получение шенгена в срочном порядке, то сбор возрастает в два раза. Дети в возрасте до 6 лет освобождаются от уплаты консульского сбора. Сервисный сбор визового центра в текущем году утверждён на уровне 21 евро. При этом человек освобождается от его оплаты, если он лично подаёт документы в консульстве. При этом нужно иметь в виду, что при отказе в получении разрешения на въезд, консульский сбор возвращён не будет.

Похожие статьи

Срок изготовления и оформления визы в Чехию в 2020 году

Чехия является одной из стран, входящей в Зону Шенгенского Договора и Европейский Союз. Поэтому для посещения Чешской Республики гражданам стран, у которых с ЕС не установлен безвизовый режим, потребуется предварительно оформлять визовое разрешение на въезд.

Вернуться к оглавлению

Содержание материала

С 16 марта 2020 года запрет на въезд в Чехию из-за короновируса

С 16 марта 2020 года Чехия ввела запрет на въезд россиян, белорусов, украинцев и всех иностранных туристов из-за короновируса об этом также сообщается на официальном сайте посольства Чешской Республики. Также запрещен выезд своих граждан с территории Чехии за границу.

С 14 марта 2020 года Чехия временно не принимает документы для оформления визы у россиян и других иностранных туристов из-за эпидемии короновируса.

Ограничение касается туристических и долгосрочных национальных виз, а также прием документов для оформления ВНЖ в стране сообщает сайт официальный сайт посольства Чехии в Москве.


На данный момент между Россией и Европейским Союзом не заключен договор о безвизовом пересечении границ. Это означает, что российские подданные при возникновении желания отправиться в путешествие обязаны делать визу в Чехию.

Визовое разрешение в Чехию в 2020 году может оформить:

  1. Консульский округ посольства Чешской Республики, расположенный в столице Российской Федерации.
  2. Консульский округ Генерального Консульства Чешской Республики в Санкт-Петербурге.
  3. Консульский округ Генерального Консульства Чешской Республики в Екатеринбурге.
  4. Один из многочисленных визовых центров данного государства.

В какой консульский округ будет осуществляться подача документов российским резидентом, зависит напрямую от места его жительства и регистрации.

За каждым округом закреплены области и отдельные города.

Вернуться к оглавлению

Типы разрешений

Сегодня для посещения Чешской Республики резиденты России могут сделать себе:

  1. Транзитные визы. Транзитное разрешение бывает двух видов: «А» и «В». Первое предусматривает лишь переход на стыковочный рейс в Чехии. Транзитное разрешение вида «В» делается на 5 суток. Данный документ разрешает выходить, покидать пределы транзитного коридора.

Сделать транзитное разрешение можно всего за 5 суток. Достаточно иметь при себе такие бумаги, как:

  • Заграничный паспорт.ЗагранпаспортЗагранпаспорт
  • Виза в страну конечного назначения (если она нужна).
  • Билеты в Чехию и страну конечного следования.
  • Документ о бронировании гостиничного номера на территории Чешской Республики. Такая бумага понадобится, если период времени между стыковочными рейсами более 12 часов.

За открытие потребуется заплатить консульский сбор в размере 35 EUR.

  1. Шенгенские визы. Шенгенская виза типа «С». Она предназначена для туристических поездок, краткосрочных визитов к родственникам или недлительного лечения.

С шенгенской визой на территории стран ЕС можно находиться не больше 90 суток в полугодии. Обычно для оформления визового разрешения стоит подавать документы не меньше чем за месяц до даты предположительной поездки. Сам штамп оформляется на протяжении 5 дней, но в редких случаях процесс может затягиваться до месяца.

За открытие потребуется заплатить консульский сбор в размере 35 EUR.

  1. Национальные визы. Долгосрочное визовое разрешение предусматривает нахождение российского подданного на территории Чешской Республики от 91 до 365 дней в году. Срок оформления визы в Чехию равен 120 дням. В редких случаях, национальные визы оформляются за 2 месяца. Как показывает практика, за 60 суток можно оформить лишь национальное разрешение с целью прохождения обучения в высших учебных учреждениях Чешской Республики или для ведения педагогической деятельности. Национальная виза в ЧехиюНациональная виза в Чехию

    Национальная виза в Чехию

За открытие потребуется заплатить консульский сбор в размере 116 EUR.

Вернуться к оглавлению

Срочное открытие

Если человеку нужно срочно получить штамп на въезд в Чехию, то он может воспользоваться услугой срочного оформления. Оформить срочную визу можно всего за 3 дня. Цена срочного оформления — 75 EUR.

Вернуться к оглавлению

Период действия

Стоит помнить, что у каждого визового разрешения на въезд есть свой период действия, то есть время, на протяжении которого можно воспользоваться визой после её выдачи.

Транзитным разрешением можно воспользоваться на протяжении первых 3 месяцев после его выдачи.

Период действия шенгенской визы зависит от её типа. Различают однократные, двукратные и многократные визы. Однократная – разрешает воспользоваться штампом на протяжении первых 90 суток со дня её выдачи. Многократная – обычно выдается на год и разрешает въезжать в Чешскую Республику неограниченное количество раз. Но при этом стоит помнить, что суммарный период времени, проведенный в этой республике не должен превышать 90 дней в полугодии.

Вернуться к оглавлению

Визовые центры

Визовые представительства занимаются оформлением исключительно краткосрочных визовых разрешений. В 2020 году на территории РФ находится 28 визовых представительств.

Стоит учитывать, что все визовые центры принимают документы исключительно от резидентов РФ. Если у человека гражданство другой страны, то для оформления шенгенской визы в Чехию ему потребуется обратиться непосредственно в посольство этой республики, которое находится в Москве по адресу: улица Юлиуса Фучика, здание 12/14.
При этом стоит учитывать, что визовые представительства занимаются изготовлением исключительно транзитных и шенгенских виз. Для открытия национальной визы в Чехию стоит обращаться в консульский отдел или посольство.

Многих людей интересует вопрос, а есть ли разница между оформлением въездных разрешений в Чешскую Республику в дипломатическом представительстве и визовом центре. Да, разница есть, но она касается исключительно сроков рассмотрения  визы и её стоимости.

Сколько времени рассматривается ходатайство на открытие чешского разрешения на въезд:

  1. Консульский отдел. В консульском отделе обычно документы рассматриваются на протяжении 5 рабочих дней после их подачи.
  2. В визовых представительствах бумаги рассматриваются от 5 до 7 суток. Такая разница объясняется в первую очередь тем, что согласно действующему законодательству решение о выдаче виз может принимать только консульство или посольство, а визовые центры такими полномочиями не обладают. Визовые представительства лишь принимают бумаги на рассмотрение, а затем их пересылают в нужные дипломатические представительства в зависимости от округа, где проживает заявитель и местонахождения самого визового центра.
Отличия есть и в стоимости визовых разрешений. Если российский подданный решил воспользоваться услугами визовых представительств, то ему стоит приготовиться к тому, что ему потребуется заплатить дополнительные 25 ЕUR за пересылку бумаг и их рассмотрение в дипломатических представительствах. Данный платёж называется сервисным сбором. Во всех визовых центрах сумма сервисного сбора одинакова. От его уплаты освобождаются только дети до 6 лет.
Сколько по времени делается виза в Чехию и можно ли это ускорить?

Виза в ЧехиюСразу же стоит сказать, что Чехия считается идеальным местом отдыха, а также работы для всех желающих. Как и всегда, главным документом на въезд является шенгенская виза. Таким образом, о данных документах следует позаботиться еще до начала вашей поездки. В этом ничего удивительного нет. В ином случае процесс подготовки визы может затянуться довольно на долгосрочный период. Кстати, не будет лишним напомнить, что с 2015 года, чтобы оформить визовые документы, нужно обязательно сдать отпечатки пальцев.

Турагентство и оформление визы

Чтобы оформить визу через турагентство, вам потребуется следующий перечень документов:

  • Как и всегда, необходим действующий заграничный паспорт. Особенность в том, что его срок действия должен быть более 3-х месяцев после окончания последней записанной поездки. Подпись владельца, а также наличие двух чистых страниц также важно. Обязательно учитывайте эти нюансы.
  • Нужно сделать копию страницы паспорта со всеми личными данными. Сюда входят заполненные развороты.
  • Представляется еще и специальная анкета. Ее нужно правильно заполнить на английском или же чешском языке. После этого вы делаете копию всех страниц анкеты и ставите свою личную уникальную подпись.
  • Национальный паспорт также пригодится. С него нужно сделать копии всех заполненных страниц и разворотов. Как вы понимаете, главной копией должны быть данные с фото – это первая страница.
  • Требуется еще подписать договор с туристическим оператором, который оказывает вам услуги. Данный документ подтверждает осуществление обслуживания на территории Чехии.

Читайте также: Сколько денег должно быть на счете для получения шенгенской визы

Имеется еще требование по представлению необходимого финансового документа, который подтверждает вашу платежеспособность.

Это может быть:

  • Справка с непосредственного места работы. В ней должны указываться и должность, и оклад. Если же речь идет о пенсионерах, то им необходимо предъявить копию пенсионного. В том случае, когда вы находитесь без работы, нужно дать заявление о спонсорстве, а также прикрепить к ней справку с места работы спонсора.
  • Также можно подать оригинальную выписку из банковского счета, где будут указываться остатки денежных средств. Чтобы данный документ прошел проверку, необходима печать, а также заверение банка.
  • Если же вы пользуетесь заграничной банковской картой, то обязательным будет предъявление ее ксерокопии, а также выписки о средствах. Банк также должен заверять эти данные.
  • Посольство всегда просит предъявить бронь на проживание на территории страны. Чехия не исключение.
  • В том случае, если вы будете жить у родственников, приложите копию, где будет указываться бесплатное проживание и все необходимые данные.

Обратите внимание, что посещение страны в качестве туриста – это краткосрочная виза, которая запрещает находиться в стране выше указанного срока.

При обращении в турагентство нелишним будет почитать отзывы о компании, а также ознакомиться со степенью предоставления услуг!

Виза для выезда детей

Для того чтобы посетить визовую страну с детьми, также предусмотрены необходимые документы:

  1. Обязательным условием является представление свидетельства о рождении.
  2. Если же несовершеннолетний ребенок выезжает только с одним родителем, то нужно будет письменное соглашение второго.
  3. Для сопровождающих нужно оформлять нотариальную доверенность, а также прикрепить письменно разрешение родителей.
  4. Если супруги находятся в разводе, но выезжают с ребенком, понадобится представить все необходимые документы.

Читайте также: Сколько действует шенгенская виза в Европу

Оформляем визу самостоятельно

Виза в ЧехиюСтоит сказать, что самостоятельное оформление визы в Чехию не будет делаться дольше. Все сроки стандартные, однако вы потратите гораздо больше времени. Список документов практически тот же, однако нужно еще представить документы на авиаперевозки, сведения о вашей материальной защищенности, медицинскую страховку на 30 000 евро.

Визовый центр Чехии находится в Москве, так что все документы вы можете сдавать прямо туда. Дабы получить уже готовые документы, с вас способны потребовать документы, которые подтверждают вашу личность. Если же речь идет о доверительном лице, обязательно подготовьте нотариальную доверенность.

Сборы, сроки, цены

Давайте же ответим на самый распространенный вопрос: сколько делается виза в Чехию? Стандарт – это от пяти до десяти рабочих дней. К вашим услугам предоставляется еще и срочное оформление – три рабочих дня. Обратите внимание, что консульский сбор увеличивается ровно в два раза. Например, если обычный консульский сбор составляет 35 евро, то двойной тариф – 70 евро.

Читайте также: Как оформляется виза в Пуэрто-Рико для россиян

Есть еще один важный момент, который вы должны знать. Например, если мы летим из Москвы в Брюссель, а Прага является пересадочным пунктом, то стоит задуматься об оформлении транзитной визы. Это нужно сделать лишь в том случае, если вы собираетесь выходить за пределы столичного аэропорта.

Оформление шенгенских виз в чехию. Сколько по времени делается виза в чехию Виза в чехию для девушек

Республика Чехия является членом Европейского Союза и участником Шенгенского соглашения. Въехать в страну можно по визе, выданной любым государством этого соглашения. Внутри самой Шенгенской зоны пограничный контроль отсутствует. А если вы собираетесь ездить в Чехию часто и регулярно, то нужно получить чешскую визу. Она может быть двух видов: шенгенская (краткосрочная) и национальная (долгосрочная). Какие же документы необходимо собрать для оформления визы?

Документы для оформления шенгенской чешской визы и требования к ним

Шенгенская виза даёт право на пребывание в Чехии и в других государствах Шенгенской зоны до 90 дней в течение полугодового периода.

  • анкета-заявление о выдаче шенгенской визы. Заполняется от руки или в электронной форме — в зависимости от требований конкретного консульства. В любом случае данные пишутся или печатаются латинскими буквами (транслитерацией). Анкета должна быть распечатана, а в отмеченном месте приклеена фотография. В конце проставляются подписи;
  • загранпаспорт — оригинал и ксерокопия первой страницы с фотографией. Срок его действия должен быть больше, чем у визы, которую вам выдадут, хотя бы на 3 месяца. Чехия не принимает паспорта, выданные Россией жителям Абхазии, Южной Осетии и Крыма, и не выдаёт по ним визы;
  • копия гражданского паспорта — страницы c фотографией и регистрацией;
  • одна цветная фотография размером 3,5 х 4,5 см. Требования к фотографиям определяются Визовым кодексом, они следующие: лицо должно быть обращено чётко анфас, не размыто и составлять 70-80% от общего размера. Фон — белый или светлый, однотонный. В головном уборе можно сфотографироваться только по религиозным причинам. При этом лицо должно быть полностью открыто. Срок актуальности снимка — не более полугода. Любая цифровая обработка фотографии запрещена;
  • Страховая сумма — минимум 30 тыс. евро. Территория покрытия — ««шенген». Если вы оформляете однократную визу, количество дней страхования должно соответствовать их количеству в визе. Если виза многократная, достаточно будет страховки на первую поездку;
  • документ о финансовом обеспечении поездки. Сумма рассчитывается в национальной денежной единице — чешской кроне. Вы можете хранить их в любой валюте, главное, чтобы сумма в пересчёте была не меньше. Размер средств, который считается достаточным для Чехии: при поездке до 30 дней — от 1100 чешских крон в расчёте на день; до 60 дней — от 37400 крон в сумме; от 90 дней — от 41800 крон в сумме. Документом, который может подтвердить наличие у вас достаточных финансов, может быть справка из банка. Она обязательно должна быть на фирменном бланке, с печатью и подписью сотрудника. Желательно, чтобы в ней было отражено движение средств за 3 месяца, особенно если количество денег на счету еле укладывается в требования. Вместо этого, работающие могут предоставить справку с работы со сведениями о зарплате за последние три месяца, а предприниматели — свидетельство о регистрации и формы 2 НДФЛ либо 3 НДФЛ. Если ваших собственных средств недостаточно, финансовым гарантом может стать другой человек. В этом случае в консульство передаётся спонсорское письмо от него с обязательным указанием всех личных данных и копия паспорта спонсора;
  • визовая оплата. Размер сбора для россиян и украинцев — 35 евро, за срочное оформление — 70. Для граждан других стран, включая Беларусь — 60 евро (для детей от 6 до 12 лет — 35 евро). А для детей до 6 лет из любой страны оформление визы бесплатное. Деньги принимаются только наличными в евро;
  • транспортные документы . Информация о бронировании билетов на транспорт (туда и обратно), или документы на личный автомобиль и полис автострахования;
  • документ, подтверждающий цель поездки. Цель вы отмечаете в соответствующем пункте визовой анкеты. В зависимости от того, что вы выбрали, документы могут быть разными, например:
    • поездка на основании приглашения. Приглашающим может быть частное лицо (родственники, знакомые, деловые партнёры и т. д.) или компания. В любом случае приглашение должно быть оформлено специальным образом. Частное приглашение может быть в рукописной или печатной форме, оно заверяется нотариусом. Деловое приглашение — на официальном бланке приглашающей организации, заверенное печатью и подписью ответственного лица. Другой путь сделать приглашение — по специальной форме через отдел полиции по делам иностранцев в Чешской Республике. Консульства принимают приглашения только в оригинале;
    • поездка в связи с владением недвижимостью в Чехии — выписка из кадастра;
    • поездка с целью краткосрочной работы — разрешение Бюро труда Чешской республики.

Для граждан Беларуси дополнительно потребуется документ о социальном статусе. Для работающих — справка с места работы с информацией о должности, продолжительности работы и размере зарплаты. Предприниматели подают свидетельство о регистрации и справки 2 НДФЛ, 3 НДФЛ. Пенсионеры — ксерокопию пенсионного удостоверения, а студенты — справку из своего учебного заведения.

Все документы подаются на русском или вашем национальном (украинском, белорусском) языке.

Видео: документы на чешскую шенгенскую визу (поездка на автомобиле)

Оформление национальной чешской визы

Национальная виза даёт право провести в Чешской Республике более 90 дней за полгода. А значит, и требования к документам более основательные. Особенно это касается подтверждения цели поездки.

  • анкета-заявление

Сколько по времени делается виза в Чехию

Чехия на сегодняшний день является излюбленным местом сбора большого количества российских туристов, поэтому популярность запросов сколько делается виза в Чехию с каждым годом имеет тенденцию к увеличению. Многие россияне посещают эту страну Европейского союза с самыми различными целями: туристическими, образовательными или для трудоустройства. Независимо от цели визита для въезда в Чехию гражданину РФ необходима шенгенская виза, которую можно сделать либо через турагентство, либо самостоятельно через визовый центр дипломатического представительства Чешской республики.

Виды виз в Чехию и скорость их оформления

Скорость оформления визы зависит непосредственно от целей визита в Чехию. Краткосрочная виза, выдаваемая на срок до трёх месяцев, оформляется в промежуток времени от пяти до десяти дней. Этот документ необходимо получить для туристических поездок, визитов к родственникам и для транзита в другие государства. Однако при желании можно ускорить это процесс, срочную визу можно получить всего за три дня. Правда, тогда этот документ обойдётся его соискателю значительно дороже. Мультивиза делалась гражданам Российской Федерации за несколько больший период времени — 1-2 недели.

Внимание! Рассмотрение заявления на студенческую визу происходит в течение 60 дней, а рабочая трудовая виза делается даже дольше — 3-4 месяца в зависимости от потока соискателей на въезд в Чехию.

Сейчас имеются предпосылки того, что скоро визовый режим с Чехией будет упрощён. Этот вопрос уже не раз поднимался на самом высоком политическом уровне. Однако на сегодняшний день получение визы в Чехию осуществляется на прежних условиях.

Оформление визы туроператором

Получение шенгена через турфирму слывёт наиболее простым решением проблемы, поскольку менеджеры компании проинспектируют своих клиентов относительно всех необходимых для подачи документов, помогут корректно заполнить анкету и дополнительно проверят её правильность. Также резервирование туристическо

90000 A guide to Czech Visas and permits 90001 90002 Are you moving to the Czech Republic and know nothing about Czech visas and permits? 90003 90002 Then you are on a good address, because we prepared for you a definitive guide regarding information from moving to the Czech Republic up to obtaining permanent residence. (All information written here are especially for third country nationals.). 90003 90002 90007 90003 90009 90010 Fast navigation: 90011 90012 90013 90010 Are you a third country national? 90011 90016 90002 A third country national is a person whose state is not a member of the European Union nor these states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.90003 90002 Members of the European Union: Czech Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Malta, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Portugal, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Italy, Ireland, Croatia, France, Poland, Estonia Austria, Slovenia, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and Bulgaria. 90003 90021 90010 Residency types in the Czech Republic — short-term residence, long-term residence and permanent residence 90011 90024 90002 The Czech legislation specifies more types of residence for foreigners in the Czech Republic.The first type specified is the short-term residence determined for ninety days stay. Another one is the long-term visa and long-term residence for more than ninety days and as a last one permanent residence for citizens, who have decided to stay in the Czech Republic. 90003 90002 90028 90003 90002 90010 Short-term residence — 90 days for every 180 days 90011 90003 90002 90010 Long-term Visa — from 90 days to 6 months 90011 90003 90002 90010 Long-term residence — for more than 90 days 90011 90003 90002 90010 Permanent residence — for 10 years, can be extended 90011 90003 90021 90010 Duties after arrival to the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90002 Every third country national, who comes to Czech Republic is obliged to report his presence at the appropriate department of Foreign Police.It has to be done during three days after the arrival. 90003 90002 Addresses of single police departments can be found 90053 here. 90054 90003 90013 90010 The Report duty for foreigners 90011 90016 90002 For fulfilling the report duty it is necessary to have the valid passport and filled registration form, which you can find in every Foreign Police department. 90003 90002 A police officer is authorized to ask you to submit the valid travel health insurance with the proof of his payment.90003 90013 90010 When am I not obliged to report my presence? 90011 90016 90002 90069 90003 90002 The report duty of presence is not related to people younger than 15 years and for people who have satisfied this obligation their accommodation provider. 90003 90002 Note: If you are accommodated in the hotel, your report duty has to be satisfied by your hotel. 90003 90021 90010 Short-term residence in the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90002 Short-term residence is residence for less than 90 days in every 180 days.The beginning of residence is counted on the day of the arrival check-in and contrary day of the checkout is counted as a last day of your residence. 90003 90002 It is important to note that the period of single residences in the Schengen area of ​​other states is summed with residence in the territory of the Czech Republic. So, every citizen is obliged to leave the area at the last day of trip, when he fulfills the condition to not exceed 90 days. 90003 90002 Short-term residence is divided to those not subjected to a visa requirement and those subjected to a visa requirement.Summary of the states with which has the Czech Republic bilateral agreement can be found 90053 here. 90054 90003 90013 90010 Warning! Those not subjected to a visa requirement are not here for work purposes 90011 90016 90002 Citizens of states with which Czech Republic has the bilateral agreement are not allowed to perform profit-making activity. Because for purposes of work you have to ask for a short-term Visa. 90003 90021 90010 Application for short-term Visa in the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90002 The application for the short term visa has to be submitted by the applicant personally.For children younger than 15 years it has to be submitted by their legal representative. 90003 90013 90010 Where do I ask for a short-term visa? 90011 90016 90002 The Application for the short-term visa can be submitted in every embassy of the Czech Republic. 90003 90002 If you plan to travel around the states of the Schengen area (for example because of scientific Conference) it is necessary to ask for a visa in the state, where you spend the longest time. 90003 90013 90010 When can I ask for a short-term visa? 90011 90016 90002 The application can be submitted three months before leaving your country.90003 90002 The application processing time is around 15 days. It is better to send it earlier than 15 days before leaving your country. Thus you could receive on the latest day of leaving. 90003 90013 90010 Application for a short-term visa in the Czech Republic — important documents 90117 90011 90016 90002 90121 90003 90002 When applying for a short-term visa it is important to choose the right purpose of travel according to which you attach other documents bound with it. For purposes of travel we distinguish between these groups: 90003 90125 90126 Tourism 90127 90126 Business 90127 90126 Cultural or sport event 90127 90126 Invitation 90127 90126 Study in Czech republic or scientific research 90127 90126 Employment or other profit-generating activity 90127 90138 90002 90010 Elementary documents, which you have to attach to the application 90011 90003 90143 90126 Valid passport 90127 90126 Filled form (you can find 90053 here 90054) 90127 90126 2 Photos 90127 90126 Biometric data — fingerprints 90127 90126 Travel health insurance documents 90127 90126 Documents which proved 90127 90126 Travel purpose 90127 90126 Accommodation 90127 90126 Financial resources 90127 90126 Intention to leave CZ or Schengen area 90127 90126 Receipt of payment the application 90167 90127 90169 90009 90010 The reasons for not granting a visa 90011 90012 90002 In the case of not being granted a visa you have the possibility to send a request for reassessing the reasons for why you did not pass.90003 90002 The reassessing form can be sent immediately after receiving the justification for non-granting visa after that you have exactly 15 days for appeal. 90003 90013 90010 I am moving to the Czech Republic and I want to stay longer than 90 days 90011 90016 90002 If you plan to lengthen your residence in the Czech Republic, you have three options 90003 90143 90126 Become a holder of a long-term visa 90127 90126 Obtain a long-term residence 90127 90126 Obtain a permanent residence 90127 90169 90021 90010 The long-term visa in the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90002 The long-term visa is issued for the purpose of residence exceeding 90 days, but not exceeding a period of 6 months.For the purpose of the long-term visa we vary: 90003 90143 90126 Study — This purpose is for an exchange student but if you plan to study in the Czech Republic for a longer period ask directly for a permanent residence 90200 90127 90126 Employment — from the year 2014 this purpose was replaced by an employee card. 90127 90126 Business 90127 90126 Family reunification 90127 90126 Invitation 90127 90126 Cultural or sport 90127 90169 90013 90010 What is an employee card? 90011 90016 90002 An employee card is a new type of permission for long-term residents.The foreigner, who is a holder of an employee card can live in the Czech Republic and also work in a company in which an employee card was issued. 90003 90002 The employee card is a replacement for the long-term visa for employment purposes. 90003 90013 90010 Where to ask for a long-term visa? 90011 90016 90002 The application for a long-term visa is possible to submit at a Czech embassy abroad. The application form can be found 90053 here. 90054 90003 90013 90010 When can I ask for long-term visa? 90011 90016 90002 The application for a long-term visa can be submitted if the purpose of your visit is still the same as for a short-term visa.It is possible to submit long-term visa from the earliest 90 days and the latest 14 days before expiration of a short-term visa. 90003 90021 90010 The application for a long-term visa in the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90021 90010 — necessary documents 90011 90024 90002 90244 90003 90143 90126 Valid passport 90127 90126 Two photos 90127 90126 Document proving accommodation in the Czech Republic 90127 90126 Document proving purpose of residence 90127 90126 Document proving financial resources 90127 90169 90002 90010 On demand documents 90011 90003 90143 90126 Document proving none previous convictions 90127 90126 Medical report proving none illness 90127 90169 90021 90010 Long-term residence in the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90002 Long-term residence is determined for foreigners who intend to stay on the territory of the Czech Republic for longer than 6 months.90003 90002 It is important to vary between a long-term visa and long-term residence. (A long-term visa is only for less than 6 months). 90003 90002 For an application you can ask in the Czech Republic and also in the Czech embassy abroad. The purposes of an application are: 90003 90143 90126 Studying 90127 90126 Scientific work 90127 90126 Employment 90127 90126 Business 90127 90126 Family reunification 90127 90169 90002 The application for long-term residence is issued in the form of biometric card.90003 90013 90010 What is a blue card? 90011 90016 90002 A blue card is the special type of long-term residence for foreigners who work where it is necessary to have a very high qualification. 90003 90002 A highly qualified person is somebody with a university diploma or with special education which lasted at least three years. 90003 90013 90010 Where can I ask for a long-term residence? 90011 90016 90002 The application for long-term residence could only be submitted personally in the office of Ministry of Interior.(For study and scientific purposes it could be done in the Czech embassy abroad). 90003 90013 90010 When can I ask for a long-term residence? 90011 90016 90002 To submit the application for a long term residence it is only possible if you have fulfilled these three points. 90003 90143 90126 You are a holder of a short-term visa 90314 90127 90126 You plan to stay in the Czech Republic longer than 6 months 90127 90126 The purpose of your stay is the same as it was at the beginning (exemption for family reunification, scientific and study purposes and blue card).90127 90169 90021 90010 The application for long-term residence in the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90002 The application has to be written in Czech language or officially translated. 90003 90002 It is also important that all documents attached must be no older than 180 days except for your passport. 90003 90013 90010 Documents, which you have to attach to the application for long-term residence 90011 90016 90125 90126 a) Travel document, 90127 90126 b) Proof of accommodation, 90127 90126 c) 2 photographs; not valid if a pictorial record has been taken of you, 90127 90126 d) proof of finance — a document proving that your aggregate monthly income alongside all persons residing in the Czech Republic with you will not be lower than the sum amount of the subsistence minimum for you and all persons assessed together with you and the highest amounts of standard costs for accommodation specified for the purpose of a contribution for accommodation by a special legal regulation, or the amount which you can credibly prove as an amount of reasonably justified costs for accommodation of yourself and all persons assessed together with you; 90127 90126 e) A document confirming the entry into the pertinent business register, list or record, 90127 90126 f) Confirmation from the relevant Tax Authority that you do not have any tax arrears and confirmation from the District Social Security Administration recording any debts of social security fees and fees for state employment policy including any fines.If you are not a taxable entity or a payer of social security insurance fees and contributions for state employment policy, you shall submit a document issued by the Tax Authority of the Czech Republic and / or by the District Social Security Administration to that effect, 90127 90126 g) if you are the statutory body of a company or cooperative or its member, then a further confirmation from the relevant Tax Authority that the company or cooperative do not have any tax arrears and a confirmation from the Social Security Administration that this company or cooperative does not have any payable debts for social security insurance and contributions to state employment policy, including fines, 90127 90126 h) Upon request an income tax assessment, 90127 90126 I) upon request extract from the Penal Register record, 90127 90126 j) Upon request a medical report, that you do not have a serious illness (only if there is reasonable suspicion) 90127 90126 k) A document on travel medical insurance, and upon request a document on having paid the insurance premium.90127 90138 90021 90010 Permanent residence in the Czech Republic 90011 90024 90002 90362 90003 90002 The permission to permanent residence is issued after 5 years of continuous residence. 90003 90002 Travelling out of the country for work purposes are not counted in this time. 90003 90002 Residence for the purpose of studying is counted only as a one half. 90003 90013 90010 When can I ask for permanent residence? 90011 90016 90002 The application can be submitted if you fulfill these three points 90003 90143 90126 5 years continuous residence in the territory of the Czech Republic 90127 90126 Criminal probity 90127 90126 Proof of financial resources 90127 90169 90013 90010 Where can I ask for a permanent residence? 90011 90016 90002 The application for a permanent residence has to be submitted at the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic — always personally.90003 90021 90010 The application for a permanent residence in the Czech Republic 90117 90011 90024 90002 The application form for a permanent residence can be found 90053 here 90054. 90003 90002 All documents attached to the permanent residence form has to be written in Czech language or officially translated. Be careful during the filling of the application because there must not be any incorrect information if there were any, your application could be rejected. 90003 90002 The application for a permanent residence — necessary documents 90003 90143 90126 Valid passport 90127 90126 Two photos 90127 90126 Document proving accommodation in the Czech Republic 90127 90126 Document proving purpose of residence 90127 90126 Document proving financial resources 90127 90126 Document proving none previous convictions 90127 90126 Document proving successful Czech language examination 90127 90126 Document proving 5 years of continuous residence in the CZ 90127 90169 90013 90010 Granting of a permanent residence 90011 90016 90002 If the permit is approved, then you will be contacted by a worker of the Ministry of Interior.He will inform you to take over biometric card. 90003 90002 If he could not get through you, you would receive notification by post on address, which you written on the application form. 90003 90009 90010 The reasons for not granting a permanent residence 90011 90012 90002 In the case of not being granted a permanent residence you have the possibility to appeal against it during 15 days after receiving. 90003 90002 The appeal has to be send via registered letter or delivered personally then Ministry of Interior makes reassessment.90003 90009 90010 Revoking a permanent residence 90011 90012 90002 A permanent residence can be if you commit a crime in the Czech Republic or in the Schengen area. Permanent residence is also revoked if you are out of the Czech Republic for more than 6 years or more than 1 year from the Schengen area. 90003 90002 90444 Resources: 90445 90003 90143 90126 90444 http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/information_for_aliens/visa_form/index.html 90445 90127 90126 90444 http://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ 90445 90127 90126 90444 http: // www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/application-forms.aspx 90445 90127 90169 90002 Moving to the Czech Republic: A guide to Czech Visas and permits 90003 3.7 (73.33%) 9 .90000 Entry formalities & visa information 90001 90002 90003 If you have been accepted for university studies in the Czech Republic, you should check whether you need a visa to enter the country. This depends on your nationality. Our website provides general information about entry formalities. 90004 It is not within Study in competence to expedite the visa issuance / appointment process 90005. Long-term visa and residence permits processing is 90004 solely under the authority of our Embassies abroad and the Czech Ministry of the Interior 90005 which follows a rigorous process.90008 90009 90010 90011 90004 Students from EU / EEA and Switzerland 90005 90014 90002 Students from EU / EEA countries and Switzerland are exempt from student visa requirements. To enter the Czech Republic, EU students only need a valid passport or national ID card. 90009 90002 EU students have, however, a reporting duty after their arrival if the intended stay in the Czech Republic is longer than 30 days. In this situation, within 30 days of entering the Czech Republic, a student is required to report his / her presence to the Foreign Police Department in the location of his / her stay in the Czech Republic.This obligation does not apply if the person providing accommodation submits the registration forms on behalf of the student, i.e. in case of stays in student dormitories. 90009 90002 For more information regarding the stay of EU citizens and their family members in the Czech Republic click here. Information leaflets for EU citizens and their family members are available here. 90009 90011 90004 Students from countries outside the EU 90005 90014 90002 Students from countries outside the EU have to turn to the local Czech embassy or consulate and apply for a student visa.Please note, that the whole procedure requires some paperwork and can take up to 60 days, so it is recommended to apply for the visa well in advance. The regulations for obtaining visas change from time to time, so the information listed here should be considered as guidelines only. You should always consult your local Czech embassy or consulate or check the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic for the latest information regarding visa requirements. 90009 90002 There are 90004 short-term visas 90005 (for stays up to 90 days) and 90004 long-term visas 90005 (for stays over 90 days).Students arriving for a period longer than one year should apply for a 90004 long-term residence permit for study purposes 90005. 90009 90002 The following documents are mainly required for receiving a student visa or a residence permit: 90009 90037 90038 application form 90039 90038 letter of acceptance for studies 90039 90038 a valid passport and passport photos 90039 90038 proof of financial resources for the stay (e.g. in the form of a bank account statement or confirmation of being beneficiary of a grant) 90039 90038 confirmation of guaranteed accommodation 90039 90038 valid international health insurance 90039 90038 abstract from the Register of Criminal Records 90039 90052 90002 Please note that some documents (e.g. the abstract from the Register of Criminal Records) must be translated into the Czech language by a translator with an official rubber stamp. 90009 90002 The Foreign Police examines the visa applications and notifies the Czech embassy or consulate to issue the visa. 90009 90002 In case of applying for a short-term language / preparatory courses, students should apppy for a 90004 short-term visas 90005 (for stays up to 90 days), in case of long-term language / preparatory courses apply for a 90004 visa to stay over 90 days (long-term) 90005 or a 90004 long-term residence 90005 — for the 90004 purpose of studies 90005 (at public higher education institutions) / for the 90004 purpose of other 90005 (at private higher education institutions).More information can be found here. 90009 90011 FURTHER INFORMATION 90014 90002 90072 90004 Information 90005 90004 for university students — 90005 90004 3rd country nationals 90005 regarding Visa free stay, applying for Long-term stay for study purpose at MOI office or Long-term residence for the purpose of seeking employment (updated by the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals with effect as of 90004 July 31st, 2019) 90005 90004 can be downloaded here. For details please also visit the website of the Ministry of Interior here.90005 90009 90011 Problems with Visa Application 90014 90002 While we do understand your concerns, unfortunately, 90004 it is not within our competence to expedite the visa issuance / appointment process 90005. Long-term visa and residence permits processing is solely under the authority of our Embassies abroad and the Czech Ministry of the Interior which follows a rigorous process. 90009 90002 Try to check the status of your application. If you do not succeed, please contact your local Czech Embassy, ​​its staff will give you more precise information.You can also turn to the Ministry of the Interior’s information hotline. Besides, we recommend you to contact your university in the Czech Republic, its staff certainly has experience in solving similar situations. 90009 90011 90004 detailed information ON VISA and entry formalities 90005 90014 90011 90004 Registering with the Czech Foreign Police 90005 90014 90002 Registration at the Foreign Police Department is 90004 compulsory for all foreign nationals staying in the Czech Republic for more than 30 days 90005.They must register within 3 days from the date of arrival to the country. Read more about this obligation here. 90009 90011 90004 Visit other countries 90005 90014 90002 Both long-term visas and residence permits 90004 allow visits to other countries in the Schengen area 90005, provided the stay in the other Schengen Area states does not exceed 90 days within any 180 days and is of a non-profit nature. 90009 90011 90004 Difference between long-term visa and residence permit 90005 90014 90002 Both the long-term visa and residence permits are issued when the 90004 90005 stay on the territory of the Czech Republic is expected to exceed 3 months.In general, the 90004 long-term visa 90005 is primarily intended for persons who expect to stay in the Czech Republic for several months — for example, study program lasting several months, etc. 90004 The long-term residence permit 90005 is primarily intended for persons who expect a longer stay in the Czech Republic — for example, a study in a university program, employment, etc. You can read more at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 90009 90011 90004 Family visa 90005 90014 90002 Your children or spouse 90004 can apply for a long-term visa 90005 or residence permit for 90004 family reunification purposes 90005.You can find more information at the website of the Ministry of Interior. 90009 .90000 Apply for a U.S. Visa | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 90001 90002 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 90003 90004 On this page: 90005 90006 90007 FAQ — General Visa Information 90008 90009 90010 How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U.S. visa? 90011 90010 Do I qualify for the Visa Waiver Program? 90011 90010 What is the fee for ESTA and who has to pay it? 90011 90010 If I travel to the United States without ESTA, what happens? 90011 90010 If I am a third-country national living in the Czech Republic can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa in Czech Republic? 90011 90010 Do all nonimmigrant visa applicants have to come to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General for an interview? 90011 90010 I have a nonimmigrant visa that will expire soon and I would like to renew it. Do I need to go through the whole visa application process again? 90011 90010 My passport has expired, but the U.S. visa in it is still valid. Do I need to apply for a new visa? 90011 90010 I have dual citizenship. Which passport should I use to travel to the United States? 90011 90010 How can I extend my visa? 90011 90010 Must I submit my visa application form electronically? 90011 90010 What is «administrative processing?» 90011 90010 How do I read and understand my visa? 90011 90010 My visa will expire while I am in the United States.Is there a problem with that? 90011 90010 What will happen when I enter the United States? 90011 90010 I did not turn in my I-94 when I left the United States. What should I do? 90011 90010 I have questions on submitting my DS-160 and printing the confirmation page. Where can I go for more information? 90011 90010 I do not have an internet bank account. Can somebody else pay for me? 90011 90010 I want to book my travel as far in advance as possible. When should I book my travel tickets for? 90011 90010 I changed my name.Is my U.S. visa with my old name still valid? 90011 90010 What information do I need to provide about social media, while filling the DS 160 form? 90011 90052 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.1 How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa? 90059 90004 You must possess a passport valid for travel to the United States with a validity date at least six months beyond your intended period of stay in the United States (unless country-specific agreements provide exemptions).90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 Do I qualify for the Visa Waiver Program? 90059 90004 You qualify for the Visa Waiver Program if you are a citizen of a Visa Waiver Program country, possess a machine-readable passport, are traveling for temporary business or a visit of less than 90 days, meet other program requirements, and have obtained an authorization through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). 90005 90004 You must be a citizen of a Visa Waiver Program-eligible country in order to use this program.Permanent residents of VWP-eligible countries do not qualify for the Visa Waiver Program unless they are also citizens of VWP-eligible countries. We recommend you visit the Visa Waiver Program website before any travel to the United States to determine if you are eligible for the VWP. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.3 What is the fee for ESTA and who has to pay it? 90059 90004 ESTA registration is required for all travelers to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program.There is a US $ 14 fee for ESTA registration. The fee can be paid online using a debit card or any of the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. Third parties (travel agents, family members, etc.) can pay your ESTA fee for you if you do not have the correct type of credit card. If the ESTA registration is denied, the fee is only US $ 4. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.4 If I travel to the United States without ESTA, what happens? 90059 90004 Visa Waiver Program travelers who have not obtained approval through ESTA should expect to be denied boarding on any air carrier bound for the United States.If you are allowed to board, you can expect to encounter significant delays and possible denial of admission at the U.S. port of entry (i.e., arrival airport). ESTA registration usually only takes a few minutes to complete, authorization often arrives in seconds, and it is valid for two years, unless the traveler’s passport expires within that two-year period. In those cases, ESTA validity is limited to the passport’s validity. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.5 If I am a third-country national living in Czech Republic, can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa in Czech Republic? 90059 90004 Applicants are generally advised to apply in their country of nationality or residence.Any person who is legally present in Czech Republic may apply for a visa in Czech Republic. However, applicants should decide where to apply based on more than just convenience or delay in getting an appointment in their home district. One thing to consider, for example, is in which consular district the applicant can demonstrate the strongest ties. 90005 90004 There is no guarantee that a visa will be issued, nor is there a guarantee of processing time. If refused, there is no refund of the application fee.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.6 Do all nonimmigrant visa applicants have to come to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for an interview? 90059 90004 Yes, for most applicants. There are only a few exceptions to the interview requirement. The following applicants generally do not have to appear in person: 90005 90111 90010 Applicants for A-1, A-2 (official travelers on central government business), C-2, C-3 (central government officials in transit on central government business) or G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 (central government officials traveling in connection with an international organization, or employees of an international organization) 90011 90010 Children under the age of 14 if their parents have a valid nonimmigrant visa.. 90011 90116 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.7 I have a nonimmigrant visa that will expire soon and I would like to renew it. Do I need to go through the whole visa application process again? 90059 90004 Each nonimmigrant visa application is a separate process. You must apply in the normal manner, even if you had a visa before and even if your current nonimmigrant visa is still valid. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.8 My passport has expired, but the U.S. visa in it is still valid. Do I need to apply for a new visa? 90059 90004 No. If your visa is still valid you can travel to the United States with your two passports (old and new), as long as the visa is valid, not damaged, and is the appropriate type of visa required for your principal purpose of travel. (Example: tourist visa, when your principal purpose of travel is tourism). Also, the name and other personal data should be the same in both passports. Your nationality, as indicated in the new passport, must be the same as that shown in the passport bearing the visa.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.9 I have dual citizenship. Which passport should I use to travel to the United States? 90059 90004 If one of your nationalities is not American, you can apply using whichever nationality you prefer, but you must disclose all nationalities to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate on your application form. U.S. citizens, even dual citizens / nationals, must enter and depart the United States using a U.S. passport. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.10 How can I extend my visa? 90059 90004 The validity of a visa can not be extended regardless of its type. You must apply for a new visa. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.11 Must I submit my visa application form electronically? 90059 90004 Yes, you must complete the DS-160 and bring a printed copy of the DS-160 confirmation page with you when you go for your interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.12 What is «administrative processing?» 90059 90004 Some visa applications require further administrative processing, which takes additional time after your interview with a consular officer. You are advised of this possibility when they apply. This web page on the Consular Affairs website has more information about administrative processing. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.13 How do I read and understand my visa? 90059 90004 As soon as you receive your visa, check to make sure all your personal information printed on the visa is correct.If any of the information on your visa does not match the information in your passport or is otherwise incorrect, please contact the issuing authority (i.e. the Embassy) immediately. 90005 90004 The expiration date of your visa is the last day you may use the visa to enter the United States. It does not indicate how long you may stay in the United States. Your stay is determined by the Department of Homeland Security at your port of entry. As long as you comply with the Department of Homeland Security decision on the conditions of your stay, you should have no problem.90005 90004 Further information about interpreting your visa can be found at the Department of State’s Consular Affairs website. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.14 My visa will expire while I am in the United States. Is there a problem with that? 90059 90004 No. You may stay in the United States for the period of time and conditions authorized by the Department of Homeland Security officer when you arrived in the United States, which will be stamped in your passport, even if your visa expires during your stay.You can find more information here. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.15 What will happen when I enter the United States? 90059 90004 Your airline should give you a blank Customs Declaration form 6059B. Only one Customs Declaration is required for a family traveling together. 90005 90004 A visa does not guarantee entry into the United States, but allows a foreign citizen coming from abroad to travel to a U.S. port of entry and request permission to enter the United States.The Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials have authority to permit or deny admission to the United States, and determine how long a traveler may stay. At the port of entry, upon granting entry to the United States, the Customs and Border Protection officer will determine the length of stay permitted. Previously, travelers received a paper I-94 (record of admission) with this information. This process is now automated, with some exceptions. The traveler will be provided with a CBP admission stamp on their travel document that shows the date of admission, class of admission, and admitted-until date.Learn more on the CBP Website. If a traveler needs a copy of their I-94 for verification of alien registration, immigration status or employment authorization, it can be obtained from www.cbp.gov/I94. You can review information about admission on the CBP Website. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.16 I did not turn in my I-94 when I left the United States. What should I do? 90059 90004 Previously, foreign travelers granted entry by CBP officials received a paper Form I-94 (Arrival / Departure Record).This process is now automated, with some exceptions. If you received a paper Form I-94 or I-94W and failed to turn in your paper Form I-94 Arrival / Departure Record to the commercial airline or CBP when you departed the U.S., see the CBP Website for instructions. Do not send your paper Form I-94 or I-94W to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General. 90005 90004 If you received an admissions stamp in your passport instead of a paper Form I-94 when granted entry, the I-94 record was created electronically, and a paper copy was not provided to you.CBP will record your departure from the U.S. electronically. Learn more on the CBP Website. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.17 I have questions on submitting my DS-160 and printing the confirmation page. Where can I go for more information? 90059 90004 Our call center is unable to provide assistance on the application form. Any inquiries on completing the DS-160 can be addressed on the following website. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90058 Q.18 I do not have an internet bank account.Can somebody else pay for me? 90059 90004 If you do not have internet account you can use another online bank account (For example, your relatives or friends). 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.19 I want to book my travel as far in advance as possible. When should I book my travel tickets for? 90059 90004 Applicants are strongly advised not to book their travel until after they receive their passport and new visa. The best way to avoid the unpleasant circumstance of having bought an airplane ticket only to find out that the visa was refused, or that you will need to go through the costly process of changing your tickets to another travel date, is to wait until after your visa arrives.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90058 Q.20 I changed my name. Is my U.S. visa with my old name still valid? 90059 90004 If your name has legally changed through marriage, divorce, or a court ordered name change, you will need to obtain a new passport. Once you have a new passport, the Department of State recommends that you apply for a new U.S. visa to make it easier for you to travel to and from the United States. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90058 Q.21 What information do I need to provide about social media, while filling the DS 160 form? 90059 90004 On May 31 2019, the Department of State updated its immigrant and non-immigrant visa application forms to request additional information, including social media identifiers, from most U.S. visa applicants worldwide. For more details please click here. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Visa Refusals 90008 90009 90010 What is Section 214 (b)? 90011 90010 How can an applicant prove «strong ties?» 90011 90010 Is a denial under Section 214 (b) permanent? 90011 90010 Who can influence the consular officer to reverse a decision? 90011 90052 90004 The United States is an open society. Unlike many other countries, the United States does not impose internal controls on most visitors, such as registration with local authorities.Our immigration law requires consular officers to view every visa applicant as an intending immigrant until the applicant proves otherwise. In order to enjoy the privilege of unencumbered travel in the United States, you have a responsibility to prove you are going to return abroad before a visitor or student visa is issued. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.1 What Is Section 214 (b)? 90059 90004 Section 214 (b) is part of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).It states: 90005 90004 (b) Every alien (other than a nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (L) or (V) of section 101 (a) (15), and other than a nonimmigrant described in any provision of section 101 (a) (15) ( H) (i) except subclause (b1) of such section) shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer, at the time of application for a visa, and the immigration officers, at the time of application for admission, that he is entitled to a nonimmigrant status under section 101 (a) (15).An alien who is an officer or employee of any foreign government or of any international organization entitled to enjoy privileges, exemptions, and immunities under the International Organizations Immunities Act, or an alien who is the attendant, servant, employee, or member of the immediate family of any such alien shall not be entitled to apply for or receive an immigrant visa, or to enter the United States as an immigrant unless he executes a written waiver in the same form and substance as is prescribed by section 247 (b).90005 90004 Our consular officers have a difficult job. They must decide in a very short time if someone is qualified to receive a temporary visa. Most cases are decided after a brief interview and review of whatever evidence of ties an applicant presents. To qualify for a visitor or student visa, an applicant must meet the requirements of sections 101 (a) (15) (B) or (F) of the INA respectively. Failure to do so will result in a refusal of a visa under INA 214 (b). The most frequent basis for such a refusal concerns the requirement that the prospective visitor or student possess a residence abroad he or she has no intention of abandoning.Applicants prove the existence of such residence by demonstrating that they have ties abroad that would compel them to leave the United States at the end of the temporary stay. The law places this burden of proof on the applicant. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 How can an applicant prove «strong ties?» 90059 90004 Ties are the various aspects of your life that bind you to your home country. Strong ties vary from country to country, city to city, and person to person, but examples include: 90005 90111 90010 Your job; 90011 90010 Your home; and / or 90011 90010 Your relationships with family and friends.90011 90116 90004 While conducting visa interviews, consular officers look at each application individually and consider the applicant’s circumstances, travel plans, financial resources, and ties outside of the United States that will ensure the applicant’s departure after a temporary visit. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.3 Is a denial under Section 214 (b) permanent? 90059 90004 No. A refusal, or ineligibility, under section 214 (b) is for that specific application, so once a case is closed, the consular section can not take any further action.There is no appeal process. If you feel there is additional information that should be considered related to the visa decision, or there are significant changes in your circumstances since your last application, you may reapply for a visa. To reapply, you must complete a new application form, pay the application fee, and schedule an appointment for a new interview. Review the website of the U.S. embassy or consulate where you plan to reapply to learn about any reapplication procedures. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.4 Who can influence the consular officer to reverse a decision? 90059 90004 Immigration law delegates the responsibility for issuance or refusal of visas to consular officers overseas. They have the final say on all visa cases. By regulation, the U.S. Department of State has authority to review consular decisions, but this authority is limited to the interpretation of law, as contrasted to determinations of facts. The question at issue in such denials, whether an applicant possesses the required residence abroad, is a factual one.Therefore, it falls exclusively within the authority of consular officers at our Foreign Service posts to resolve. An applicant can influence the post to change a prior visa denial only through the presentation of new convincing evidence of strong ties. 90005 90004 For information about visa ineligibilities other than 214 (b), please visit the Department of State’s Consular Affairs website. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Business / Tourist Visa 90008 90009 90010 How long can I stay in the United States on a tourist or business visa? 90011 90010 My visitor visa (B-1 / B-2) expires after my intended date of arrival in the United States.Do I need to get a new visa before departure? 90011 90010 My U.S. visa will expire in the next 6 months. Do I need to apply for a new visa after my current visa expires or can I apply in advance? 90011 90010 My current U.S. visa was issued to me when I was working in my previous job. Now I have changed to a new job at a new company and my new employer wants me to attend a conference in the United States, scheduled for next month. Can I use the same visa or do I have to apply for a new visa? 90011 90010 My child is studying in the United States.Can I go live with him? 90011 90052 90058 Q.1 How long can I stay in the United States on a tourist or business visa? 90059 90004 A U.S. nonimmigrant visa grants you permission to travel to a Port of Entry (airport / seaport) in the United States. When you arrive at your destination Port of Entry, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer who processes your entry will determine the length of time that you may remain in the country. You may travel to the Port of Entry during the validity of your nonimmigrant visa up to and including the last day the visa is valid.The visa duration does not determine the length of time that you may legally remain in the United States; only the Customs and Border Protection officer can decide this upon your arrival in the United States. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 My visitor visa (B-1 / B-2) expires after my intended date of arrival in the United States. Do I need to get a new visa before departure? 90059 90004 You can arrive in the United States right up to the last date of validity indicated on the visa.The Customs and Border Protection officer on arrival determines the duration of your stay in the United States. Your visa can expire while you are still in the United States — just be sure that you do not overstay the period of time the officer grants. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.3 My U.S. visa will expire in the next 6 months. Do I need to apply for a new visa after my current visa expires or can I apply in advance? 90059 90004 You do not have to wait until your current visa expires.You can apply for a new visa even if your current visa is valid. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.4 My current U.S. visa was issued to me when I was working in my previous job. Now I have changed to a new job at a new company and my new employer wants me to attend a conference in the United States, scheduled for next month. Can I use the same visa or do I have to apply for a new visa? 90059 90004 You can travel to the United States on the same visa as long as your visa is valid for business or pleasure.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.5 My child is studying in the United States. Can I go live with him? 90059 90004 While you can use your own B-1 / B-2 visa (or travel under the Visa Waiver Program, if eligible) to visit your child, you may not live with your child unless you have your own immigrant, work, or student visa. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Work Visa 90008 90009 90010 What is a petition? 90011 90010 Can I get a visa to do casual work? 90011 90010 Is there an age limit for applying for a temporary work visa? 90011 90010 Can my U.S.-based relative sponsor me for a work visa? 90011 90010 When can I enter the United States? 90011 90010 Who pays the Fraud Prevention and Detection fee and when do they pay it? 90011 90052 90058 Q.1 What is a petition? 90059 90004 Before applying for a temporary worker visa at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate you must have an approved Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, from USCIS. This petition must be submitted by your prospective employer no earlier than 6 months prior to your proposed employment start date.Your employer should file the petition as soon as possible within the 6-month period to allow adequate time for processing. Once approved, your employer will be sent Form I-797, Notice of Action. For more information, visit the USCIS Temporary Workers webpage. 90005 90004 90409 Note: 90410 To verify your petition’s approval the U.S. Embassy or Consulate needs your I-129 petition receipt number, along with your approved Form I-797. Please bring both of these to your interview. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 Can I get a visa to do casual work? 90059 90004 No. There is no visa that covers casual work. All applicants who plan to work in the United States must have an approved petition prior to their visa appointment. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.3 Is there an age limit for applying for a temporary work visa? 90059 90004 No. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.4 Can my U.S.-based relative sponsor me for a work visa? 90059 90004 No.Only your employer can sponsor you. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.5 When can I enter the United States? 90059 90004 You may not enter the United States until 10 days prior to your initial employment start date, as noted on your Form I-797 or on your offer of employment letter. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.6 Who pays the Fraud Prevention and Detection fee and when do they pay it? 90059 90004 An applicant for an L-1 visa traveling on a blanket petition must pay the Fraud Prevention and Detection fee.On individual L, H-1B and H-2B petitions, the U.S. petitioner pays the Fraud Prevention and Detection fee to USCIS when the petition is filed. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Student Visa 90008 90009 90010 What is an I-20 and how do I get it? 90011 90010 How early should I apply for my student visa? 90011 90010 I received my visa, when should I travel? 90011 90010 Can a person on a visitor visa change his or her status to student while in the United States if he or she gains admission to a school and gets a Form I-20? 90011 90010 What if I receive an I-20 to a different school? 90011 90010 I was working as an H-1B and have now been admitted to a university as an F-1.Do I need to return to my country to apply for a student visa? 90011 90010 Can an F-1 student work in the United States? 90011 90010 What is the SEVIS system and how does it affect me? 90011 90052 90058 Q.1 What is an I-20 and how do I get it? 90059 90004 The Form I-20 is an official U.S. Government form, issued by a certified school, which a prospective nonimmigrant student must have in order to get an F-1 or M-1 visa. Form I-20 acts as proof-of-acceptance and contains the information necessary to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee, apply for a visa or change visa status, and be admitted into the United States.The Form I-20 has the student’s SEVIS identification number, which starts with the letter N and is followed by nine digits, on the upper right side directly above the barcode. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 How early should I apply for my student visa? 90059 90004 You are encouraged to apply for your nonimmigrant student visa as soon as you have your I-20. To ensure you get an early and timely date you may apply at any time. However, a student visa may be issued no more than 120 days prior to the start date mentioned on your I-20.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.3 I received my visa, when should I travel? 90059 90004 For your initial entry, you may only enter the United States within 30 days of the beginning of the course of study stated on your I-20, regardless of when your visa was issued. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.4 Can a person on a visitor visa change his or her status to student while in the United States if he or she gains admission to a school and gets a Form I-20? 90059 90004 Yes.In general, you may apply to change your nonimmigrant visa status if you were lawfully admitted to the United States with a nonimmigrant visa, if your nonimmigrant status remains valid, if you have not violated the conditions of your status, and you have not committed any actions that would make you ineligible. For more details, please visit the USCIS website. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.5 What if I receive an I-20 to a different school? 90059 90004 If you received an I-20 after scheduling your appointment, then you can inform the U.S. consular officer of the new I-20 at the time of the interview. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.6 I was working as an H-1B and have now been admitted to a university as an F-1. Do I need to return to my country to apply for a student visa? 90059 90004 No. Once you are in the United States, you do not need to apply for a new visa because the visa is only for entry into the United States. Check with USCIS to determine if you need to adjust status. If you leave the country, however, you’ll need to apply for the student visa in order to re-enter the United States.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.7 Can an F-1 student work in the United States? 90059 90004 Full-time students on F visas may seek on-campus employment not to exceed 20 hours per week. After the first year in student status, an applicant may apply for employment off campus with authorization from USCIS. Please contact your student advisor for further information. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.8 What is the SEVIS system and how does it affect me? 90059 90004 The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) program requires schools and exchange programs to verify the enrollment status of all new and continuing foreign students and exchange visitors.Student visa applicants are required to pay a SEVIS fee before a visa can be issued. The SEVIS website has more details. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Exchange Visitor Visa 90008 90009 90010 I received my visa, when should I travel? 90011 90010 What is the SEVIS system and how does it affect me? 90011 90010 What is the «two-year rule?» 90011 90010 Can the two-year rule be waived? 90011 90052 90058 Q.1 I received my visa, when should I travel? 90059 90004 Exchange visitors may only enter the United States within 30 days of the beginning of the program, as stated on your Form DS-2019, regardless of when your visa was issued.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 What is the SEVIS system and how does it affect me? 90059 90004 The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) program requires schools and exchange programs to verify the enrollment status of all new and continuing foreign students and exchange visitors. Exchange visitor visa applicants are required to pay a SEVIS fee before a visa can be issued. The SEVIS website has more details. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.3 What is the «two-year rule?» 90059 90004 The «two-year rule» is the common term used for a section of U.S. immigration law which requires many exchange visitors to return to their home countries and be physically present there for at least two years after the conclusion of their exchange visit before they can return to the U.S. under certain types of visas, specifically H-1, L-1, K-1 and immigrant visas. It is important to note that only a preliminary finding of whether the two-year rule applies to you is made on your DS-2019 when your J-1 visa is issued.The final decision will be made only if you later choose to apply for an H-1, L-1, K-1, or immigrant visa. 90005 90004 J-1 visa holders subject to the two-year rule are not permitted to remain in the United States and apply for an adjustment / change of status to a prohibited nonimmigrant status (for example, from a J-1 visa to an H- 1 visa) or to apply for legal permanent resident status (Green Card) without first returning home for two years or obtaining an approved waiver. Whether you are subject to the two-year rule is determined by a number of factors, including your source of funding and your country’s «Skills List.»It is not determined by the amount of time you spend in the United States. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.4 Can the two-year rule be waived? 90059 90004 Possibly. Only the Department of State’s Visa Office can grant waivers of the two-year rule. The Visa Office is also the final authority on whether you are subject to the rule, regardless of what is annotated in your passport. If you are subject to the two-year rule, you may be able to obtain a waiver. Even if you are subject to the two-year rule, you may still qualify for a tourist visa or any other nonimmigrant visa except those noted above.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Transit / Ship Crew Visa 90008 90009 90010 I plan to stop in the United States for a day and take a flight to another country on the next day. Do I need to apply for C-1 visa or a B-1 / B-2 visa? 90011 90052 90058 Q.1 I plan to stop in the United States for a day and take a flight to another country on the next day. Do I need to apply for C-1 visa or a B-1 / B-2 visa? 90059 90004 If you seek layover privileges for purposes other than transiting through the United States, such as to visit friends or for sightseeing, then you must qualify for and obtain the type of visa required for that purpose, such as a B-2 visa.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Religious Worker Visa 90008 90009 90010 I am applying for a religious worker visa, but do not have an approved petition. I have been to the United States previously with an R-1 visa and was not required to have the petition. Can I apply for an R-1 visa without the petition since I had an R-1 visa in the past? 90011 90052 90058 Q.1 I am applying for a religious worker visa, but do not have an approved petition.I have been to the United States previously with an R-1 visa and was not required to have the petition. Can I apply for an R-1 visa without the petition since I had an R-1 visa in the past? 90059 90004 The requirement for an approved petition went into effect November 28, 2008. All applicants applying for an R-1 nonimmigrant visa are required to have an approved petition from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). For more information, please visit the USCIS website. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Track My Passport 90008 90009 90010 Why only one passport per envelope? Why no family discounts? 90011 90010 How will I get my passport back after the interview? 90011 90010 What happens to my passport if I’m not at home when the courier arrives? 90011 90010 Does my passport have to be delivered to my house? 90011 90010 Can someone besides me receive delivery of my passport? 90011 90010 Do I have to pay any fees for courier services? 90011 90052 90058 Q.1 Why only one passport per envelope? Why no family discounts? 90059 90004 There is no additional charge for the courier to return your passport to you. All costs are included in your visa application fee. The courier’s security and safety rules require separate tracking of every passport. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 How will I get my passport back after the interview? 90059 90004 You will receive your passport at the designated location you selected at the time you scheduled your interview.If you want to change this location you may do so until 11:59 p.m. the day before your appointment. The cost of the courier service is included in the visa application fee. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.3 What happens to my passport if I’m not at home when the courier arrives? 90059 90004 The courier will attempt to deliver your passport only at the address you selected or provided when you scheduled your interview. If the courier is unable to deliver, for example, because no one is home, the courier will leave a notice indicating the attempted delivery.If you receive a notice like this, contact the call center immediately. If your passport is not delivered to you within 7 business days, it will be returned to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If this happens, contact the call center for assistance. 90005 90004 When you come to the Post Office to pick-up your passport, you need to present a photo ID. If somebody else will pick-up the passport on your behalf, that person will have to present either an attorney card (průkaz zmocněnce, který je potřeba vyřídit na poště) or a notarized written authorization from you and a photo ID.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.4 Does my passport have to be delivered to my house? 90059 90004 No. Your passport can be delivered to your office or to a member of your family. If your passport is delivered to someone other than yourself, the recipient must present a government-issued photo ID for identification in order to accept delivery of your passport. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.5 Can someone besides me receive delivery of my passport? 90059 90004 If a family member wants to receive the passports on your behalf, that person will have to show an ID and sign for the receipt of the envelope.90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.6 Do I have to pay any fees for courier services? 90059 90004 No. The cost of courier services is included in your visa application or immigrant visa fee. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90007 FAQ — Application Profile 90008 90009 90010 How do I reset my password? 90011 90010 What should I do if I move to another country after I have registered my profile on www.ustraveldocs.com and did not apply yet for my visa, or if I want to submit a new visa application in another country than my previous application? 90011 90052 90006 90058 Q.1 How do I reset my password? 90059 90004 Click the 90718 Forgot Your Password? 90719 link at the bottom of this web page. Enter your email address in the 90718 Username 90719 field and click 90718 Submit 90719. The email address you type must match the email address you used when you began your visa application. A new password will be sent to your email address. 90005 90004 90409 Note: 90410 The email with your new password will come from [email protected]. Some email applications have rules which filter unknown senders into a spam or junk mail folder.If you have not received your email notification, please look for the message in your junk and spam email folders. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005 90058 Q.2 What should I do if I move to another country after I have registered my profile on 90718 www.ustraveldocs.com 90719 and did not apply yet for my visa, or if I want to submit a new visa application in another country than my previous application? 90059 90004 You do not need to create another profile if it is also serviced by CGI.You can simply contact us through the Contact Us section on this website and share your passport number, UID or email address so we can retrieve and update your profile with the new country where you plan to apply for your US Visa. If you are applying in a country that is not covered by CGI, you will be invited to create a new profile. As a reminder, MRV fee receipts paid in one country are non-transferable to the other country. 90005 90004 back to top 90005 90006 90004 90005.90000 Student long term visa | Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York 90001 90002 Information about how to submit applications for long stay visas (for over 90 days of stay) for study purposes. 90003 90004 90002 90006 IMPORTANT NOTICE 90007 90004 90002 90006 Student visa applicants need to schedule an appointment in advance via an email ONLY. Request for an appointment must be sent to [email protected]. 90007 90004 90002 90006 Incomplete applications are inadmissible and will be returned back to the applicant! 90007 90004 90002 90006 The Czech Consulate General strongly recommends that applicants do not travel to the Czech Republic to begin their study programs without valid visas.90007 90004 90002 90004 90002 1. Where to apply 90004 90002 2. Types of visa 90004 90002 3. Processing time 90004 90002 4. Required documents 90004 90002 5. Important notice 90004 90033 90002 90006 Where to apply 90007 90004 90002 You are obliged to file the application only at the Czech Embassy / Consulate located in the state of your citizenship or which issued your current travel document or in the state in which you have a long-term or permanent residence permit.You are excluded from these conditions if you are a citizen of a state presented in the list of countries whose nationals are entitled to file an application for a long-term visa at any Czech Embassy / Consulate whatsoever (Decree No. 429/2010 Coll. ). 90004 90002 You may submit your application at the Consular Office (of the Embassy or Consulates General of the Czech Republic) in accordance with the jurisdiction where you permanently reside 90006. 90007 90006 Please note that submitting the application to the wrong Consular Office will automatically result in being it forwarded 90007 90006 to the correct Embassy / Consulate and thus, causing delay in the processing time of your application.90007 90004 90033 90002 90006 Types of visa 90007 90004 90002 If the university / program is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, you are eligible to apply for a 90006 long term-visa for the purpose of study (Student Visa) 90007. 90004 90002 If the university / program is not accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, you are not eligible to apply for this type of visa and you have to apply for the 90006 long-term visa for the other purposes 90007 90006.90007 90004 90002 90006 The information on this website applies to both types of visa! 90007 The difference between the two types of visa is the processing time and the visa fee (see bellow). 90004 90033 90002 90006 Processing time 90007 90004 90002 A long-term visa must be approved by the 90006 Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic 90007. 90004 90002 The 90006 long-term visa for the purpose of study 90007 shall be processed within 90006 60 days 90007 from the date the Consulate receives and records the 90006 complete 90007 application.90004 90002 The 90006 long-term visa for «other» 90007 90006 purposes 90007 shall be processed within 90006 90 days 90007 from the date the Consulate receives and records the 90006 complete 90007 application. 90004 90002 Please be aware that 90006 no status updates on long term visa applications 90007 will be given by the Consulate (neither by mail nor phone). For status updates please visit our website: http://www.mzv.cz/consulate.newyork/en/visa_and_consular_information/visa/approved_visa/index.html. 90003 If your number does not appear on the website, then it means your visa is still in process. Please keep in mind the visa processing times when checking your visa status. 90004 90002 90006 Please understand that the Consulate General is not able to speed up the visa process since the approval process and the final decision is made by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic. Therefore, the Consulate General encourages applicants to submit their applications on time. 90007 90004 90002 If you need your passport during the visa process, you can withdraw it personally or send us a request and a 90006 prepaid self-addressed US Postal Service Express Mail 90007 envelope (for a price of regular express postage stamp — not purchased in a postal stamp machine — visit https: // www.usps.com/). 90006 FEDEX or UPS envelopes are NOT accepted 90007. Secure a tracking number of your envelope for the future tracking. Your passport can be returned back to you ONLY upon receiving the written request. The passport must be re-submitted to our Consulate again for the issuance of the visa. 90004 90002 90004 90033 90002 90006 Required documents 90007 90004 90002 90006 INSTRUCTIONS: 90007 90004 90120 90121 90006 Please read carefully the list of required documents, as incomplete applications can not be accepted and will be returned to you.90007 90124 90121 90006 According to the Law of the Czech Republic, all documents (except the proof of sufficient financial means) must be presented in Czech Language (90007 see the list of known translators 90006)! 90007 90124 90121 90006 Please submit originals and copies of all supporting documents! 90007 90124 90121 90006 All documents must be presented as an original or as a notarized copy 90007. 90124 90121 90006 All documents (except travel document) can not be older than 180 days 90007.90124 90121 90006 The Consulate shall not assume any responsibility for lost or damaged documentation. 90007 90124 90147 90148 90006 1. Completed application form 90007 90151 90148 90006 2. Two recent photographs 90007 90151 90002 (passport size, professional, OF A GOOD QUALITY — NOT PRINTED OUT FROM PC!) 90004 90148 90006 3. Passport 90007 90151 90120 90121 90006 You must submit your original passport 90007. Its 90006 validity 90007 90006 must exceed your intended stay by at least 3 months 90007 (after the visa expires) and the passport must have been 90006 issued within the last 10 years 90007.90124 90121 90006 We recommend to submit a copy of the data page of the passport 90007 (the page with your personal data and photo) as well. 90124 90121 90006 Do not forget to sign your passport! 90007 90002 90006 90182 Notes 90183 90007 90004 90124 90121 Please make sure that your passport has 90006 at least two blank pages 90007 (for affixing visa and for administrative purposes). 90124 90147 90148 90006 4. Document confirming the 90007 90006 purpose of the stay 90007 90151 90120 90121 90006 The original or notarized copy 90007 of confirmation of enrolment into studies issued by a Czech University or school (Acceptance Letter).This document must be 90006 in the Czech language 90007. 90124 90147 90148 90003 90006 5. Proof of accommodation 90007 90151 90120 90121 90006 a document issued by a Czech University or school 90007 verifying the accommodation for the duration of your studies, or 90124 90121 a rental / 90006 lease agreement 90007, sub-letting contract, accommodation agreement or an agreement with similar content, or 90124 90121 an original 90006 accommodation statement 90007 from the owner of an apartment / house stating his / her ability and willingness to provide applicant’s accommodation for the time of stay (signature must be notarized by a Czech notary), 90124 90121 in the case of a sublet — the original or a notarized copy of the lease contract and an affidavit signed by the owner confirming the sublet (signature must be notarized by a Czech notary) 90124 90147 90002 90006 90182 Important notes 90183 90007 90004 90120 90121 90006 The original or a notarized copy 90007 of any of the mentioned documents must be submitted together with your application.90124 90121 The documents confirming your accommodation must be 90006 in the Czech language 90007. 90124 90121 90006 A document confirming the accommodation can not be a part of the acceptance letter. It has to be submitted separately. 90007 90124 90147 90148 90006 6. Document confirming sufficient financial resources 90007 90151 90002 Funds to cover the stay in the Czech Republic may be proven by one of following possibilities: 90004 90120 90121 a notarized copy of the front side of an internationally recognized debit card in your name with the validity throughout your stay in the Czech Republic (please conceal the debit card number on the copy) + original or notarized copy of a corresponding bank checking account statement in your name with 90006 approximately 3 000, — USD balance for one semester 90007.Remember, only checking bank accounts are acceptable; credit accounts are not acceptable! Make sure that your 90006 name 90007 on the notarized copy of your debit card and on your bank account statement is 90006 clearly visible 90007! 90124 90121 an original letter from the bank confirming the fact that you will be able to use your funds during your stay in the Czech Republic with a verified translation into the Czech language with approximately 3 000, — USD balance for one semester + a notarized copy of the front side of an internationally recognized debit card in your name 90124 90121 another document confirming that you can use the financial funds during a stay in the Czech Republic (e.g. an original letter from the family member confirming the financial support during your stay in the Czech Republic signed by a person who will support you / notarized signature with a verified translation into the Czech language / plus bank checking account statement with approximately 3000 USD for one semester ) + a notarized copy of the front side of your internationally accepted debit card that is linked to family member account 90124 90121 a financial guarantee of the US or Czech University which proves that the student’s stay in the Czech Republic will be secured by 90006 providing 90007 financial means amounting to the existential minimum for 1 month of the expected stay, or a document that all of the costs associated with his / her stay will be 90006 covered 90007 by the recipient organization + a notarized copy of an internationally recognized debit card in your name (please conceal the debit card number on the copy).90006 The letter from the US University must be translated into the Czech language. Proof of funds submitted in this manner can not be used for an application for a long-term visa for the «other» purposes. 90007 90124 90121 90006 Requirements for financial means during your stay 90007: It is necessary to prove the availability of funds that are 15 times the amount of the existential minimum (currently it is set at 2200 CZK) for the first month and double the amount of the existential minimum for every month afterwards, thus, for instance, for a stay from 1 January — 30 June it would be (15×2200) + (5x2x2200) = 33 000 + 22 000 = 55 000 CZK (approximately 3 000, — USD for one semester , the amount in US dollars depends on the exchange rate CZK / USD).Please note that the existential minimum is established by the Czech law and can be changed every year. 90124 90147 90148 90006 7. Criminal History Background / Affidavit 90007 90151 90002 90182 «Embassy of the Czech Republic in accordance with § 31 (3) para. a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. on the Residence permit of the Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic, asks all applicants for long-term visas and long-term residence permit, who will submit applications at this embassy, ​​to also submit together with the application a document similar to an extract from a criminal record issued by the Department of State of which the applicant is a national and the same document issued by the Department of States where the applicant has been continuously residing for more than 6 months in the past 3 years, or a solemn declaration / affidavit if that State does not issue such a document.»90183 90004 90002 90006 1. US citizens 90007 90004 90002 90006 US citizens 90007 15 years and older are required to submit a Criminal History Background / Affidavit (PDF, 342 KB) confirming that they have never been indicted and sentenced for a felony of any kind. 90004 90002 If the visa application is 90006 submitted by mail, a Notary Public must verify the signature on the affidavit 90007; if the application is 90006 submitted in person 90007, the affidavit can be signed in front of a consular officer.The affidavit form must state full name including a middle name, if applicable. 90004 90002 90006 If the applicant lived in any other country besides the USA for 6 months or longer in the past three years, 90007 an Excerpt from a Criminal History Record issued by that country must be also submitted with the required legalization / apostille along with a certified Czech translation of both documents. 90003 90006 Children under the age of 15 90007 are not required to submit the affidavit or Criminal History Record.90003 90004 90002 90006 2. Non US citizens 90007 90004 90002 90006 Non-US nationals are required to 90007 90006 submit 90007: 90004 90002 a) An Excerpt from a Criminal History Record issued by the official authority of the country of their nationality. The Excerpt from the Criminal History Record must be appropriately certified (Apostille or super-legalization) and both documents, the Criminal Record and the Apostille, must be submitted with a certified Czech translation; 90004 90002 90006 AND 90007 90004 90002 b) The US Criminal History Record issued by the US official authority (it means either from the FBI or from the state authority) with the appropriate certification (Apostille) along with a certified Czech translation of the entire document.90004 90002 The applicant must also submit an Excerpt from Criminal History Record issued by the State in which the applicant has been staying continuously for more than 6 months in the past three years. An Excerpt from Criminal History Record issued by that country must also be submitted with the required legalization / apostille along with a certified Czech translation. 90004 90002 90006 Children under the age of 15 90007 are not required to submit an Affidavit or a Criminal History Record.90004 90148 90006 8. 90007 90006 Travel medical insurance 90007 90151 90002 90006 Prior to affixing a long-term visa 90007 a proof of travel medical insurance shall be presented. Proof of medical travel insurance is understood to be a document in which the relevant insurance company declares / confirms: 90004 90120 90121 The period of insurance (insurance must cover the entire stay in the Czech Republic) 90124 90121 The extent of the insurance (the insurance policy must cover the costs that the foreign national is obliged to cover for the period of his / her stay in the Czech Republic in the event of providing necessary and urgent health care including the costs associated with transport or, in the case of his / her death, those associated with transferring his / her physical remains to the state that issued the travel document or to another state in which he / she has a residence permit) 90124 90121 The amount of the insurance benefit (the agreed insurance benefit limit for one insurance event must be 90006 at least EUR 60 000 90007, that being without an insurance retention on the amount of the given costs).90124 90147 90002 The insurance policy must not exclude coverage for injuries and damage caused by the applicant’s intentional acts, injuries and damage caused by fault or contributory fault on the part of the applicant, and injuries and damage caused by the consumption of alcohol, narcotic and psychotropic substances by the applicant. 90006 If it concern 90007 s insurance obtained in the USA, along with the proof of travel medical insurance, the foreign national always submits an official translation of the insurance policy and its general terms and conditions into the Czech language.This proves the medical travel insurance policy has been taken out, above all its extent, the limit of coverage being EUR 60 000 and that insurance is taken out without retention and, upon request, a document on paying the insurance premium for an insurance policy for the entire period of the requested stay in the Czech Republic. 90004 90002 More details concerning travel medical insurance 90004 90148 90006 9. 90007 90006 Visa application fee 90007 90151 90120 90121 Please note that a visa fee is assessed for 90006 visa application 90007 (please see long-term visa for stay over 90 days in Visa Fees).The fee must be paid either in cash or by money order made payable to the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York. We do not accept personal checks or credit / debit cards. As the visa fee may change on monthly basis due to the current exchange rate, we recommend checking the current fee at the Consular and Visa Fees. 90124 90147 90148 90006 10. Post delivery 90007 90151 90002 If the applicant would like to send the passport back after the visa process, he / she needs to: 90004 90120 90121 Enclose a 90006 prepaid 90007 90006 self-addressed US Postal Service Express Mail 90007 envelope (for a price of regular express postage stamp — not purchased in a postal stamp machine — visit https: // www.usps.com/). 90006 FEDEX or UPS envelopes are NOT accepted 90007. 90124 90121 Secure a tracking number of your envelope for the future tracking. 90124 90147 90120 90121 Enclose a written request to have your passport returned. 90124 90147 90002 90004 90002 90006 The Address of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic: 90007 90003 Consulate General of the Czech Republic 90003 321 E 73rd Street 90003 New York, NY 10021 90004 90002 Don’t forget to include your phone number and email address for the future communication.90004 90033 90002 90006 IMPORTANT NOTICE 90007 90004 90120 90121 All visas must be approved by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic prior to the Czech Consulate being able to issue same. No assurances regarding the issuance of visas can be given in advance. Therefore final travel plans or the purchase of non refundable tickets should not be made until a visa has been issued. 90124 90121 90006 Please submit originals and copies of all documents! 90007 90124 90121 The visa for a stay over 90 days is granted for maximum length of 1 year.90124 90121 While lodging the application, an interview with the applicant can be conducted. A written record of the interview can be a part of the application. A record will be written down in Czech language and will be signed by the applicant and the officer of the Consulate who will conduct the interview. In case you do not understand Czech you can bring an interpreter with you to translate the written record. 90124 90121 Student visas can only be issued by the same Embassy and Consulate General where the application for it was submitted.Hence, you can not apply for a visa in the US and pick it up in Europe or the Czech Republic. 90006 The Czech Consulate General strongly recommends that applicants do not travel to the Czech Republic to begin their study programs without valid visas. 90007 90124 90121 In case the visa has been refused, you have the right of appeal. The appeal should be addressed to the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic that made the decision about the application within 15 days after receiving the information about the refusal of the application.90124 90121 The Consular Section of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic does not provide translations of documents submitted within the visa application. Please see a list of known translators and / or interpreters of the Czech language located in the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York. 90124 90121 The Consular Section of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic provides verification of signatures on documents -please see consular fees 90124 90147 90002 90006 If you have any questions, you can contact us via email ([email protected]). In case of emergency, you can call our visa department (646 422 3307). 90007 90004 90033 90002 90006 Useful links 90007 90004 90002 90004 90002 90006 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic 90007 90004 90002 90006 Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic 90007 90004 90002 90004 90002 90004 90148 90151 .

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