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Реальные отзывы о Все сдал (Vsesdal.com)

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ВсеСдал.Ком (Vsesdal.com)


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2.3 344

Год основания

Барнаул, Екатеринбург, Кемерово, Москва, Новосибирск, Омск, Томск, Хабаровск

Адрес представительства
не указаны

Быстрый расчет стоимости в лучшей компании рейтинга.
Эксперты оценят а вы примите решение.

Реальные отзывы о Все сдал (Vsesdal.com) » Страница 7

Реальные отзывы о Все сдал (Vsesdal.com) » Страница 7

Загрузка. Пожалуйста, подождите…

ВсеСдал.Ком (Vsesdal.com)


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2.3 344

Год основания

Барнаул, Екатеринбург, Кемерово, Москва, Новосибирск, Омск, Томск, Хабаровск

Адрес представительства
не указаны

Быстрый расчет стоимости в лучшей компании рейтинга.
Эксперты оценят а вы примите решение.
Зарабатывайте на бирже студенческих заказов «Всё сдал!»

Часто задаваемые вопросы

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11. Требуются ли исполнители в данный момент? Да, требуются.

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12. Чем «Всё сдал!» отличается от агентств (фирм)? На «Всё сдал!» вы общаетесь не с менеджером, а лично с заказчиками. Таким образом, вопросы о стоимости, сроках и нюансах работы над заказом обсуждаются как минимум в 2 раза быстрее. Если работа выполнена вами качественно, то можете быть уверены, что студент обратится к вам вновь и посоветует одногрупникам. А это значит, что вы получаете постоянных клиентов и больше заказов.

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13. Сколько я получу за предоставленные услуги? На сайте «Всё сдал!» вы сами предлагаете заказчикам цены. Сайт выплачивает 100% вашего заработка. Комиссию сайта оплачивают заказчики, а не эксперты.

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14. Когда я смогу получить вознаграждение за предоставленные услуги? Перед тем, как вы приступите к работе, заказчик вносит 100% предоплату, которая будет хранится на вашем счету во время выполнения и период гарантии (в среднем от 7 до 20 дней), который даётся заказчику на проверку. После этого вы сможете вывести заработанные деньги с сайта.

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15. Каким образом и в течение какого времени Вы сможете выводить заработанные средства любым из способов: на банк.карту, Яндекс.Деньги, Qiwi, WebMoney или баланс мобильного. Срок зачисления — от 5 минут до 48 часов.

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16. Вы сможете выводить заработанные средства любым из способов: на банк.карту, Яндекс.Деньги, Qiwi, WebMoney или баланс мобильного. Срок зачисления — от 5 минут до 48 часов. Да, это возможно для следующих стран: Украины, Беларуси, Казахстана и других.


17. Какие гарантии вы предоставляете? Гарантией эксперта является 100% предоплата заказчика, которая хранится на счету эксперта всё время выполнения + на период гарантии (чтобы заказчик смог проверить). Период гарантии в среднем 7-20 дней (в зависимости от типа услуги). Заказчики могут снимать заказ с гарантиидосрочно.

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18. Что нельзя использовать при оказании помощи? На сайте запрещены ЛЮБЫЕ искусственные методы повышения уникальности (вставка невидимого текста, иллюстраций, замена букв русского алфавита на любой другой, изменение окончаний или замена слов на не подходящие по смыслу, написание слов без пробелов и т.д.).

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19. Как решаются конфликтные вопросы? Например, если заказчик захочет вернуть деньги, ссылаясь на плохое качество услуги, при условии, что все выполнено качественно? На сайте работает независимый беспристрастный Арбитраж, специалисты которого досконально проверяют заказ и все детали работы над ним (качество и соответствие исходному заданию). На основании этой проверки выносится соответствующие решение.

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20. Работают ли на вашем сайте заказчики-посредники? Да, на сайте есть заказчики, которые являются посредниками (представителями рефератных фирм), но все же подавляющее большинство наших заказчиков – это студенты Вузов России.

«Всё сдал!» — онлайн-сервис помощи студентам

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1. Сколько стоит помощь?

Цена, как известно, зависит от объёма, сложности и срочности. Особенностью «Всё сдал!» является то, что все заказчики работают со экспертами напрямую (без посредников). Поэтому цены в 2-3 раза ниже.

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2. Каковы сроки?

Специалистам под силу выполнить как срочный заказ, так и сложный, требующий существенных временных затрат. Для каждой работы определяются оптимальные сроки. Например, помощь с курсовой работой – 5-7 дней. Сообщите нам ваши сроки, и мы выполним работу не позднее указанной даты. P.S.: наши эксперты всегда стараются выполнить работу раньше срока.

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3. Выполняете ли вы срочные заказы?

Да, у нас большой опыт выполнения срочных заказов.


4. Если потребуется доработка или дополнительная консультация, это бесплатно?

Да, доработки и консультации в рамках заказа бесплатны, и выполняются в максимально короткие сроки.

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5. Я разместил заказ. Могу ли я не платить, если меня не устроит стоимость?

Да, конечно — оценка стоимости бесплатна и ни к чему вас не обязывает.

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6. Каким способом можно произвести оплату?

Работу можно оплатить множеством способом: картой Visa / MasterCard, с баланса мобильного, в терминале, в салонах Евросеть / Связной, через Сбербанк и т.д.

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7. Предоставляете ли вы гарантии на услуги?

На все виды услуг мы даем гарантию. Если эксперт не справится — мы вернём 100% суммы.

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8. Какой у вас режим работы?

Мы принимаем заявки 7 дней в неделю, 24 часа в сутки.

Информация о пользователе Алексей [id540300]











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еще 33 90000 »Customer Reviews 90001 90002 90003 Stories 90004 90005 90006 90007 Jameyson Miller of Rochester 90008 90009 90010 Viasat keeps suburban Washington family connected 90011 90012 90002 When Jameyson Miller’s grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease a few years ago, family members joined forces to care for him. Their internet service made that long and daunting task easier. 90005 90002 «Viasat really did help us when my grandpa was sick,» said Miller, who lives in Rochester, Washington.90005 90002 Miller’s aunt drove an hour a couple times each week to care for the older man and give the rest of the family a break. She parked her RV in the family’s driveway and stayed there during her visits. 90005 90002 «I brought in a Wi-Fi extender so she was able to get internet to her RV; she was using the internet constantly for communications to doctors, and just general medical questions and issues. Not only did she take care of him physically, she did all the stuff behind the scenes: his paperwork, financials, life wishes.90005 90002 «She was very appreciative we had good internet for that.» 90005 90002 Miller’s grandfather has since passed, but the family continues to use Viasat. It’s become part of their lifestyle in a suburban-style western Washington neighborhood. Many homes with Viasat are located in rural areas far from cable, but not the Millers. Houses are built on either side of their home, but more traditional options do not extend to each street. 90005 90002 «Ironically, cable is all around us,» Miller said.»There are these pockets of neighborhoods throughout Thurston County that they seem to have missed. When we first got satellite internet, some of our neighbors were jealous. 90005 90002 «I’m just really grateful the option is out there available to people like us that are so close to everything but do not have internet.» 90005 90002 The family first subscribed to Viasat several years ago and has had «absolutely no complaints,» Miller said. 90005 90002 «The first time it stormed here we were expecting to lose connection,» he said.»It held strong. We watched Netflix during the storm, actually. » 90005 90002 Miller was doing graphic design at the time, and working with large files. 90005 90002 The family uses their service for everything «from soup to nuts,» Miller said. «YouTube has helped save my car by showing me how to fix problems. We all watch quite a few shows. I have our Netflix settings turned down to standard definition (to save data) so Mom and Dad can watch their movies. » 90005 90037 90007 The Harrises of Oregon 90008 90009 90010 Living the good life with Viasat 90011 90012 90002 Lorraine Harris ‘life changed with one breathtaking view of Oregon’s southern coast.Harris had just been laid off from a travel-heavy, whirlwind job at Yahoo in the San Francisco Bay area. She was at a turning point. 90005 90002 «Did I want to hop back on the corporate wagon, or do something completely different?» she thought. «My husband brought me up here, and I said, ‘We’re going to do something completely different’.» 90005 90002 The couple relocated to the Coos Bay area, and Harris retired. Her husband is a military veteran on disability due to injuries suffered while serving in Vietnam.90005 90002 «We just decided I’d stay at home and we’d have a quieter life.» 90005 90002 The only hitch in their new lifestyle was internet. The couple first bundled a cable connection with their phone, which Harris described as not only slow but expensive. 90005 90002 «They just kept upping the bill and my service kept getting slower and worse. Their customer service was just abysmal. They did not seem to care about existing customers; they just wanted to sign up new ones. » 90005 90002 They then tried another satellite internet company and again were met with unexpected costs and slow service.That all changed with Viasat. 90005 90002 «You guys are cheaper and much quicker; to me, there’s no comparison, «Harris said. «And the customer service is just excellent. I can always reach someone, and they are not speaking in techno-language or an accent I can not get. I’m hard of hearing, so that’s important. » 90005 90002 «Every time I call, they review my plan. They do not try to upsell me. If I do not need what I’ve got, I’ve even gone down. It’s nice to have honest customer service. » 90005 90002 Despite the distance that’s now between them, Viasat allows Harris to continue caring for her aging mother still living in the Bay area.90005 90002 «Even though I’m 600 miles away, I handle the medical issues for her. She calls and asks me to make appointments online. She’s a huge reader, but you can only request library books through the computer, so I help her with that. » 90005 90002 Harris and her husband Jan have goats and chickens on their rural property. Almost any question she has about her new animals can be answered online. The frequent trips they also now enjoy to visit friends around the country are all arranged online.90005 90002 «This is the next chapter of our lives. It is a very good life. » 90005 90070 90071 90007 Anne Kessler 90008 90009 90010 Viasat speed lets Anne Kessler live life in the slow lane 90011 90012 90002 Some people might mistake customer Anne Kessler for a Viasat saleswoman. 90005 90002 Anne lives in a coastal, northern California town of just 450 residents in which most people know one another and share not just their lives, but experiences with a variety of services they use.90005 90002 «People complain a lot about how bad their internet service is; and that’s when I jump in and say, ‘That’s because you have not tried Viasat Internet’. I keep running around and getting people signed up. » 90005 90002 «Most people were using HughesNet until Viasat launched a new satellite that serves this area. It has changed everything. » 90005 90002 Built around a small, natural cove and surrounded by rolling hills dotted with vineyards and sheep farms, Point Arena is visually stunning and geographically unique — a challenge for most internet service providers.90005 90002 Anne fell in love with the area’s big trees, small-town lifestyle and slow pace, a welcome change after years of living in San Francisco. But since she works as a freelance database engineer, that slow pace could not apply to her internet. 90005 90002 «It’s very important with my career to have good communications. Viasat has been fantastic. It operates so well that it fades right into the background and you do not have to think about it at all. 90005 90002 «The databases I create have to be kept up and running.Before, I was driving for hours getting to the little companies I work for so I could work on their computers. Now, I just dial right into their computers and am able to take care of it without leaving home. It saves me, it saves them; it makes me more professional. It’s just been a lifesaver. » 90005 90002 Because her job has her online so much, Anne does not spend much personal time on the internet. She prefers to spend her free time with her two dogs, exploring the area and getting better acquainted with the townspeople she’s come to love.90005 90070 90009 90010 Viasat offers rural Californians a sense of security and comfort 90011 90012 90002 For Bob Wirth, security is priceless. And Viasat gives him a sense of security unlike any other communications system he’s experienced. 90005 90002 Bob relies on Viasat both internet but for phone service, and rates both as topnotch. 90005 90002 «I’ve been amazed at Voice; it far exceeded my expectations in quality, «he said. «A lot of times when you do satellite (phone), you get echoes.But I ask my friends and they tell me I sound great. » 90005 90002 Concerned that the satellite might interfere with a 911 call, Bob even did a test with emergency services and found the emergency operator showed his correct address. 90005 90002 «With something as serious as 911, you have to test it; it was perfect. » 90005 90002 Bob also rests easy knowing he’s as prepared as he can be for a natural disaster. 90005 90002 «One of the things I’m most excited about in being a Voice subscriber is that I feel very secure in the fact that no matter what happens as far as earthquakes, I will always have phone capabilities.That is a very, very comforting feeling. » 90005 90002 Bob and his partner live on a rural property a few miles outside the small town of Elk Creek, California. He retired there in 2000 after almost three decades as a supervisor at a Santa Monica hospital. 90005 90002 «I always knew I wanted to get away from the masses. Elk Creek is very rural. We do not even have a stoplight. We have a post office and a restaurant / pub. I live outside town on a road seven miles long with 17 people living along it.I go back to L.A., and I think, ‘How could I have stood this’? » 90005 90002 On his rural property, Bob enjoys living as independently as possible. He has a pond stocked with bass and catfish, and regularly buys and quarters a cow for an on-site supply of fresh meat. His home is powered by solar energy. 90005 90002 Many of the everyday functions in his home are wirelessly powered, including his doorbell and thermostat. His Viasat service keeps those modern-day conveniences running smoothly. 90005 90002 «When I’m on trips, I can turn my heater back on when I’m a couple hours out; that’s really fantastic.»90005 90002 Wirth is also a ham radio operator, a hobby his Viasat internet enhances. A service available via the internet helps Bob find others who share his passion. 90005 90002 «We can communicate anywhere in the world through the internet with other ham operators. 90005 90002 «The services Viasat provides have become an integrated part of the house now. I could not imagine existing without it. » 90005 90070 90009 90010 Exede another bit of peace in retired couple’s mountain life 90011 90012 90002 Jodi Heiser moved to her 55-acre northern California ranch almost 20 years ago, and still wakes up with a sense of breathlessness.90005 90002 «We’re surrounded by mountains, with a view of Mount Shasta from our house,» she said. «We have a couple horses and a big pond. We have a couple neighbors that you can not see, but you know they’re there. We visit back and forth. » 90005 90002 Jodi and her husband Jack used a dial-up internet connection when they first retired to the ranch just outside Cottonwood. 90005 90002 «That was painful,» Jodi said. «We knew people who had HughesNet, and they had problems all the time. So we took a chance on WildBlue and Exede.The first time I logged on, I thought, ‘Whew, this is nice!’ 90005 90002 «We have never had a single problem.» 90005 90002 Jodi does all her banking online, and keeps in touch with world news through her Exede service. Her favorite online pastime is playing games with friends from around the country, and her daughter in Sacramento. It’s a fun way to stay in touch. 90005 90002 «I play ‘Words with Friends’ with some of my friends in different cities, probably a couple hours a day. I’ve got probably 20 games going with different people.You learn new words, and it just keeps your brain going. » 90005 90002 Jodi happily recommends the service to her rural neighbors. 90005 90002 «I’ve recommended it to a lot of people. I tell them we’ve been very happy. » 90005 90070 90155 90007 Dog trainer Jason Coutts relies on Viasat for pursuing his master’s degree in Oregon. 90008 90009 90010 Viasat propelling dog trainer to the top of his class 90011 90012 90002 Oregon dog trainer Jason Coutts and his wife, Kathy, live with 16 dogs on a three-acre property several miles from the nearest town.From there, he’s earning his master’s degree in canine development science and she her bachelor’s in environmental science — neither of which would be possible without their Viasat Internet service. 90005 90002 «I could not have done it because I’m six miles out in the boonies here,» he said. «There was no way I was going to be able to turn in my assignments. That’s why I give Viasat high marks; getting my school work in is very important. » 90005 90002 Finishing his master’s degree will further Coutts ‘already successful career, built around a deep connection he shares with dogs.90005 90002 «I decided to follow my passion,» he said. «The passion started with dogs; I’ve loved being around them since I was young. » 90005 90002 Now he trains dogs for police work, including narcotics and explosives detection, tracking, therapy and PTSD support, and as guide dogs for those with a variety of disabilities. 90005 90002 Coutts is hooked on learning as much as he can about dog behavior. He chose his internet with his education in mind, and said the competitors could not stand up to his scrutiny.90005 90002 With the others, «I would be paying a lot more money for the uploading and downloading, where I have (plenty of data) now. I can do all my homework and not worry about going over. With Viasat, the value is there. » 90005 90002 Most of his business comes through the internet as well. Initial contact from potential customers is made via email, and most find him through internet searches. 90005 90002 Because his job requires national and international travel, Coutts also relies on the internet for travel arrangements.90005 90002 No matter what he needs it for, Coutts said his internet service has performed up to his high standards. 90005 90002 «Viasat has done everything it said it would do.» 90005 90070 90185 90007 Jerry Almand 90008 90009 90010 Viasat: ‘Rock solid, reliable internet service’ 90011 90012 90002 Jerry Almand likes companies that deliver what they promise. Viasat has done just that for him, he says, time and time again. 90005 90002 Jerry lives in Castro Valley in the San Francisco Bay area, close to a densely populated area but remote enough that he can not access traditional internet or television service.Initially, his only option was another satellite internet provider. The problems he encountered required almost weekly calls to customer service, and provided little satisfaction, he said. 90005 90002 «As soon as there was a replacement, I jumped on it,» he said. «Fortunately, Viasat has been great from the beginning. They simply do the right things. Service is rock solid, and I get more bandwidth than I had before for less money. » 90005 90002 Problems have been rare, Jerry said, but when they do occur, resolution is quick and easy.90005 90002 «Anytime there’s an issue and I call tech support, I get people that are knowledgeable and courteous. They do everything they’re supposed to do in a way (the other company) could not on their very best day. When you call, somebody answers in a reasonable amount of time. When they listen, they listen carefully. They analyze and diagnose the problem and resolve it. The people they have are trained, talented and know what they’re doing. It’s as simple as that. » 90005 90002 Jerry is retired, but works a part-time job from his home and enjoys photography.He uses Photoshop to edit his photos, and does his shopping and banking online. It all adds up to a lot of time on the internet. 90005 90002 Because of his regular use, he appreciates warnings that let him know he’s approaching his data limit. 90005 90002 «In today’s world, you have to meet standards, and they do,» he said. «With internet service, you just want it to be reliable and to include some options. Viasat gives me that. Everything they do, they do it right. » 90005 90070 90009 90010 Viasat keeps pace with rural family’s fast-track lifestyle 90011 90012 90002 The Marshall household is rarely still.With five boys — including 3-year-old twins — two dogs, several cats, and two happy but occasionally frazzled parents, their life in the country outside Red Bluff, California runs at a fast pace. 90005 90002 «It’s just a nice little environment we have here,» said mom Shea Marshall. «All the boys ride dirt bikes. It’s a great way to live. » 90005 90002 They needed an internet service to match their busy lifestyle. 90005 90002 «My husband works in the Bay Area during the week and commutes home on weekends, so we Skype a lot,» said mom Shea Marshall.»We have iPads and iPhones. Each boy has a tablet. We do lots of email and homework online. » 90005 90002 Despite their need for high-quality internet, Shea initially was not keen about trying a satellite service, having heard horror stories about a competing satellite internet company. 90005 90002 The family negotiated for four years to have another wireless service put a tower put on their property. The day that ISP said they could not justify the expense of erecting a tower, Shea got a card in the mail from Viasat.90005 90002 «I said, ‘This is a sign I need to switch over’.» 90005 90002 Two years later, Shea’s only regret now is that she did not do so sooner. 90005 90002 «I’ve had nothing but great experiences,» she said. «The speed is phenomenal. All of us can be online at the same time, and we do not have any issues with the service slowing down at all. 90005 90002 «I’ve had to call in once or twice for technical issues. They resolved them quickly, and were pleasant on the phone. Their customer service is great.We had such issues with our previous company, I would call them literally every other day because the internet would not work. They knew me by name. » 90005 90002 Having the service gives her boys an academic advantage. Many of the 108 children who attend their K-12 school do not have internet, and the school itself faces regular connectivity challenges. 90005 90002 «When our boys want to get a report done, they just go online,» Shea said. 90005 90002 Shea is so satisfied she’s even posted about her great experience in online forums.90005 90002 «It’s been a great thing for us.» 90005 90070 90009 90010 Viasat offers online shopping lifeline for rural family 90011 90012 90002 Guffey, Colorado is among the prettiest — but most isolated — little towns in the state. When Gerald Toeneboehm moved to the Park County community in 1983, he shared a telephone party line with a few of the neighboring ranchers. 90005 90002 «When you picked up the phone, if somebody was on it, you had to wait your turn,» he said. 90005 90002 When private lines became available, Gerald ordered two — one he reserved exclusively for internet.But service was slow. 90005 90002 «Then, I heard about satellite internet,» Gerald said. «The first satellite internet I got was StarBand, but I could not go wireless with it. It was just a complicated issue to hook up a wireless router. 90005 90002 «So I got WildBlue (the service that preceded Viasat). And that just opened up everything. I’ve been with them ever since. » 90005 90002 Gerald recently upgraded to Viasat, with its 12 Mbps service. 90005 90002 «I noticed a big difference right off the bat,» he said.»Download speeds got much better. When I download my email now, it’s pretty darn fast. » 90005 90002 Because Gerald and his family are far from large stores, they rely on the Internet for shopping. Gerald uses it to order parts to repair the family’s automobiles, and the entire family uses it for personal communication, taking advantage of the Free Zone. 90005 90002 «I learned from midnight to 5 a.m. it’s unlimited, so sometimes I try to stay up to get a couple of movies downloaded, «Gerald said.»I really like that.» 90005 90070 90009 90010 Viasat saves couple from ‘Internet Envy’ 90011 90012 90002 Marilyn Aldridge used to suffer from internet envy. She and her husband, Dave, love their quiet property north of Silverthorne, Colorado, but did not love their service options. 90005 90002 «All that was offered was dial-up internet,» Marilyn said. «It was terrible. I was so jealous of everyone that had all those other fast choices. But I dealt with dial-up for six years. » 90005 90002 The Aldridges subscribed to Viasat precursor WildBlue as soon as they learned it was available.Marilyn’s envy quickly evaporated. 90005 90002 «I was thrilled,» Marilyn said. «And when Viasat came out, I was ecstatic! It was just as fast as the other choices that are offered in town. I feel like I live in the real world again. » 90005 90002 Installation and customer service also get high marks, she said. 90005 90002 «Everybody’s been wonderful,» she said. 90005 90002 The Aldridges use their internet service for «email and playing,» Marilyn said, and she’s made sure to spread the word about Viasat among her neighbors.90005 90002 «I think I’ve gotten pretty much everybody on it,» she said. 90005 90070 90009 90010 Online with Viasat in the Minnesota woods 90011 90012 90002 Sometimes, satellite internet service with Viasat can make a great home the perfect home. 90005 90002 Take Barbara LeGarde, who loves the climate of northernmost Minnesota, where the average high temperature does not top 80 and the average low is a brisk 19 degrees. 90005 90002 «I feel more alive in the wintertime,» she said.»I cross-country ski and snowshoe. I love the feeling of the cold air. I feel lethargic in the heat. » 90005 90002 But LeGarde did not want to pay for her family’s decision to live there with limited internet options. She and her husband bought a log cottage in the woods outside Duluth 16 years ago. Then, their two boys were small. 90005 90002 «We have 10 acres of land on the end of a dirt, dead-end road, so they will not bring any utilities up here; it’s not feasible to do it, «she said. 90005 90002 Not having internet did not bother the LeGardes until the boys got older, and school assignments increasingly called for internet access.But there were no options. 90005 90002 «Unfortunately for our boys going through high school, they would have to take their laptops and go to Caribou,» she said, referring to a local coffee shop. 90005 90002 When their cellphone company presented the LeGardes with an internet plan, they optimistically decided to give it a try. They canceled upon receiving the first bill. 90005 90002 «It was supposed to be $ 80 a month, but they did not specify the data or let us know when we were going over.So our first month was $ 800. 90307 «We filed a complaint with the BBB and canceled.» 90005 90002 Then they saw an ad for Viasat. 90005 90002 «We were thrilled,» said LeGarde, who subscribed about a year ago. «Installation was great and very quick. We just had a great experience with it. 90005 90002 «We love the convenience of it. If the kids have to get on and do something on their computers — check their Facebook pages, send a Snapchat — it’s nice to have it. One of my sons does a little bit of gaming online.I’m online for email. We are absolutely satisfied. » 90005 90002 Viasat has made their perfect location even better, and given LeGarde one more thing to relish about the long, cool winters. 90005 90002 «Every time someone complains about the wood ticks or mosquitos, I point out there are no wood ticks or mosquitos in the winter time,» she said. «I’m just sayin ‘.» 90005 90070 90009 90010 Second-home owner singing praises of Viasat 90011 90012 90002 Jay Folickman’s favorite place to work is at his second home, a 1,700-square-foot cabin in the Ohio woods that overlooks Leesville Lake.90005 90002 «It’s a hilly area that goes out to the lake. I sit up on the second floor and just look out on the lake; it’s real pretty, «said Folickman, a senior account manager at a graphic arts company. «It’s really cool to be able to sit out there and have very fast Wi-Fi to do work. 90005 90002 «As far as quality’s concerned, I was really surprised. It was actually better quality than U-verse, which we have at home in Columbus on the middle of a populous area. And here we are, getting Viasat out in the middle of nowhere.You connect faster. Everything is faster. So I have no issues with taking my laptop out there and working. » 90005 90002 AT & T’s U-Verse is a telecommunications service available in a number of states. 90005 90002 Folickman learned about Viasat from a Leesville Lake neighbor, and met with installer David Butler of BFE Satellite Solutions in April, 2015. Butler walked the heavily wooded property with Folickman, searching for the best location to position the satellite dish. 90005 90002 «We put the dish down by the lake,» Folickman said.»We had to take down part of a tree to get a really good view and an open area. He did a really good job with the installation. » 90005 90002 Knowing he has reliable internet at his second home allows Folickman to relax completely on his weekends there and enjoy the lifestyle. 90005 90002 «We bought a new pontoon boat a couple years back, so we take boat rides and have martinis on the boat; it’s a really nice cruising lake, «he said. «We chill. We golf. We swim. We hang out. We sit by the fireplace.I like to sing, so sometimes we do a little karaoke. » 90005 90002 That now includes singing the praises of Viasat. 90005 90002 «I’m very, very, very pleased with the product,» Folickman said. 90005 90070 90345 90007 Merinda & Jaritt Beck, Exede customers in Kelsey, CA. 90008 90009 90010 Viasat enhances the sweet life in small-town California 90011 90012 90002 The population of Kelsey, California is 200 people, «on a good day,» says resident Merinda Beck. And that’s among the many things she and her husband, Jaritt, love about it.90005 90002 Both are retired from high-stress careers: He as a sheriff’s deputy, and Merinda as a nurse. 90005 90002 The tiny northern California town located between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe gives them the peaceful lifestyle they’d sought. 90005 90002 Their Viasat service only enhances their high quality-of-life. 90005 90002 «It’s eight miles to the closest good-sized town, and because we have to drive through canyons at 30 mph to get there, it takes us 20 minutes to half an hour to get there,» Merinda said.»We tend to have things delivered to the home. It’s much nicer to be able to sit at home on the internet and in a couple days have it delivered than make that drive. 90005 90002 «We’ve had Viasat a year-and-a-half now and have just been real pleased with the service. I hate to tell you how good it’s been … I have no complaints — and trust me, I’m one that writes reviews. So if I had a problem, I would have said something. » 90005 90002 Merinda is surprised by both the speed and the ease of using Viasat.90005 90002 «We’re not really savvy with computers. When the service man came, I said, ‘You’re not leaving here until I make sure we’re all connected’. He said, ‘OK, but you’re gonna like this.’ I clicked, and boom — it was there. » 90005 90002 The Becks initially did without internet, but now can not imagine life without it. In addition to ordering everyday items on it, they use it for online banking and to stay in touch with family members and friends. 90005 90002 «Could we get away without it? Yeah, we could, but we do not want to.»90005 90070 90009 90010 Viasat helps retired animal control officer find a very sweet life 90011 90012 90002 For Susan Jenulis, access to reliable internet service helped her have the life she’d always wanted. 90005 90002 «Without it, I would not have had the nerve to move up here alone to this remote area; Viasat has given me great flexibility in where I live, «said Susan, whose situation changed entirely after she retired from her job as an Orange County animal control officer and moved to the small California mountain community of Twin Oaks — a place so small it has no local post office.»It’s a whole different way of living. (In Orange County), I lived very close to Disneyland; I could not wait to get out. I wanted to get out where I’m away from my neighbors. » 90005 90002 Susan was single when she and her dogs moved to her 20-acre property in 2005. She contacted a local plumber and electrician to do some work on her new rural home. A few years later, she married her handyman. Their quiet property, within sight of but removed from their neighbors, provides plenty of room for their four dogs, a horse, and two miniature donkeys.90005 90002 Viasat has been the frosting on the cake, even allowing her to utilize a cellphone via wifi. Their remote property does not get a cell signal. 90005 90002 Susan tried wireless for six months before finding Viasat 9 years ago. 90005 90002 «When people look at satellite internet, I do not think they’re prepared for the level of service that is possible,» she said. «Viasat is a wonderful service. I’ve never had an outage in service in all these years. » 90005 90002 Susan is doing her banking and shopping online.It saves her driving time and money; their home is an hour from the nearest grocery store and gas station. 90005 90002 «I find I can get much better deals online than offline, especially with free shipping.» 90005 90002 It’s also a source of entertainment. 90005 90002 «Being retired, I’m catching up on some of the television series I missed. I stream sometimes four or five hours at a time and I do not have a problem. » 90005 90002 Because internet access is a common issue for the residents of rural Twin Oaks, Susan shares her Viasat experience with her neighbors.90005 90002 «I love it. I tell my friends out here, ‘Seriously look into Viasat’. I’ve had nothing but good service. » 90005 .90000 25 Proven Ways to Get More Customer Reviews on Social Media 90001 90002 Engagement on your posts works as social proof, but the reviews on your social media are powerful testimonials that can affect how new users perceive your business. They work as the digital version of word-of-mouth marketing, and have the potential to touch everyone who views your Pages and profiles. 90003 90002 If you think reviews are more trouble than they’re worth, consider this fact: 80% of customers trust reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations, and only trust immediate recommendations from friends and family more.90003 90002 90007 90007 90003 90002 There are plenty of sites you can get reviews on, and only a small portion of users will actually leave them. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get more customer reviews on social media. 90003 90002 Let’s look at the 90013 25 ways to get more social media reviews 90014 that we use on a regular basis. 90003 90016 Which Platforms Should I Focus On? 90017 90002 If you check out your Google Analytics and notice that one platform is sending you the most traffic, prioritize getting reviews on that platform first.This could be Facebook, or it might be Google. Facebook and Google reviews, in my experience, have been most effective for businesses across all industries. LinkedIn reviews are huge for B2B businesses; as a freelance writer, my LinkedIn reviews have helped me get a ton of work. 90003 90002 Additional platforms include Yelp, TripAdvisor, Foursquare, Angie’s List, local directories, and Yahoo. 90003 90016 Facebook-Specific Tactics 90017 90002 Facebook reviews should be one of your first priorities.Now users can see your number of Facebook reviews-and the star ranking from them-in a Google searching, giving them a ton of weight. To add to this weight, do not forget that a ton of users look up businesses on Facebook in particular to search for reviews, social proof, and to «get to know» the business. 90003 90026 90026 90002 When your business Page pops up in searches, users will see your number of reviews and their ranking directly under the name. 90003 90030 90031 90013 1. Make Sure Your Review Tab is Visible (and Activated).90014 If you get on Facebook and visit the Pages of a few of your favorite business, you may notice that you can not leave a review for some of them because they do not have it activated. Many businesses do not even realize that they have this feature turned off. To active reviews, click on your Page’s settings. 90034 90035 90002 Once in the settings, scroll down in the General section to where it says «Reviews» and turn them on. 90003 90002 90039 90039 90003 90030 90031 90013 2. Respond to All Reviews.90014 Responding to all reviews, believe it or not, will actually get you more of them. Users will see this interaction as you valuing the time they took to leave the review for you-and you should, because it can significantly help your business. Respond to as many reviews as possible, even if you’re just liking star-only reviews without comments. And always, always thank the customer in person when possible. 90034 90035 90016 Google-Specific Tactics 90017 90002 It goes without saying that Google reviews are a powerful tool.Google still ranks # 1 for all search engine tools; having plenty of reviews to tell first-time potential customers how great you are will get users to click on you instead of your competitors. I can think of at least fifteen times where I ended up choosing a business just because they had more Google reviews, and I know I’m not alone in that. 90013 90052 90053 90014 90003 90030 90031 90013 3. 90014 90013 Verify Your Business. 90014 Verifying your business on Google will let your reviews pop up in map searches, and it will allow you to respond to reviews.Responding to all reviews is just as important on Google as it is for Facebook. You can get your business verified on Google here. 90034 90031 90013 4. Always Have Your Google Page as Part of Your Email Signature. 90014 Several tools, like Wisestamp, let you automatically share social media platform links in your email signature. By placing a link to your Google Page, you can drive more traffic there, and thus, more reviews. 90034 90035 90068 90068 90002 Tools like Wisestamp let you place social icons in your email signature, which link to your social profiles.90013 90052 90053 90014 90003 90030 90031 90013 5. 90014 90013 Rank Positive Reviews as Helpful. 90014 On Google, you can give comments a boost by labeling them «helpful.» Anyone can do this, but you can get a head start by labeling the most positive reviews as helpful. Not only will this help you prioritize the most positive comments, which will help your business, it will show other users that people are actually reading the reviews-and can encourage them to jump in, too. 90034 90035 90002 90085 90085 90003 90016 LinkedIn-Specific Tactics 90017 90002 LinkedIn recommendations can be extremely helpful in fields where you need to trust an individual employee or worker (like freelance workers, doctors, or insurance agents), and in B2B businesses.If you want clients to trust 90052 you personally 90053, they’re extremely valuable. 90003 90030 90031 90013 6. Promote Your Profiles On Your Site & Email. 90014 There are multiple plugins and tools that let you promote your LinkedIn on your site and email. Since LinkedIn does not get as much traffic as other profiles might, just getting more connections can mean more reviews. View a list of LinkedIn plugins here. 90034 90031 90013 7. Invite Connections to Review You. 90014 While you can (and should) ask for reviews off-platform, you can also invite connections to write you a recommendation on it.They’ll get an email and a notification, and it’s almost more work to ignore the message than to just write the recommendation. 90034 90035 90002 90105 90105 90003 90030 90031 90013 8. Place Best Recommendations Higher Up. 90014 With the old LinkedIn format (which was way better), you could actually move your recommendations section up higher in your profile. You can not do this anymore (which makes no sense), but you can reorder the recommendations you have. Putting the most detailed, most positive recommendations first will encourage other clients leaving you reviews to follow suit; when it comes to LinkedIn, it’s all about the detail, and everyone likes to have an idea of ​​what they should say.90034 90035 90002 90115 90115 90003 90030 90031 90013 9. Offer 90014 90013 to Trade Recommendations with Coworkers / Employees. 90014 If you have coworkers, see if they’d be willing to trade LinkedIn reviews, benefiting both of you. Ultimately, if you (or the company you work for) has employees listed under the company page and multiple employees have great recommendations, this benefits everyone involved. And sometimes, seeing a review on your profile can be enough to let your clients know they can leave one, too.90034 90035 90016 Yelp-Specific Tactics 90017 90002 In certain industries (especially restaurants, hospitality, and customer-service industries), Yelp is still important. If your business starts a profile, try to get at least 5 reviews on it as soon as possible; this helps it look more «full.» 90013 90052 90053 90014 90003 90030 90031 90013 10. Have a Yelp Review Badge on Your Site. 90014 Are you detecting a platform-specific pattern here? Yelp may not be the first place your loyal customers interact with you, but for some businesses, it could be the first touchpoint for new users.Placing a yelp badge on your site can send loyal traffic there to write reviews for you. Get badges and banners here. 90034 90035 90002 90141 90141 90003 90030 90031 90013 11. Place Yelp Signage in Store. 90014 If you have a brick-and-mortar location, you should display Yelp signage in store. Yelp has some of these signs ready to go, including a «Find Us on Yelp» option and a «People Love Us!» sign for businesses with high ratings on the site. If customers notice or ask about it, it’s an easy way to ask them to leave a review if they get the chance.90034 90035 90016 Getting More Customer Reviews on Social Media: General Tactics 90013 90014 90017 90002 Now that we’ve looked at how to get more reviews on specific platforms, we’re going to take a look at general tactics that work on almost all platforms , including those we did not discuss in depth. 90013 90052 90053 90014 90003 90030 90031 90013 12. Ask for Them One-on-One. 90014 This is the most effective way to get reviews: to appeal to someone that you have an actual relationship with and just ask.You’d be surprised how saying «hey, it would really help me out of if you did this» will be the most effective way to get more reviews. Five different businesses have asked me this outright, and the first thing I did when I went home was write up the reviews. 90034 90031 90013 13. Send Email Requests. 90014 Again, this is all about asking. Do not be afraid to send out an email campaign with the sole message being «Let us know what you think- Leave us a Review!» These emails should include links to your profiles on the platforms you want to focus on.Sometimes, using segmented lists of high-value clients or emailing individual clients directly with personalized emails can get you the best results. 90034 90031 90013 14. Offer Incentives. 90014 Want results? Offer incentives. When I worked in retail a few years back, one of my favorite restaurants told us they’d give us 10% off if we showed them a review we wrote on Facebook (we got 10% off a purchase for each one). It worked! A few of us even wrote them right there in line, and they got multiple reviews out of a lot of us.90172 Be careful with this one- as one reader pointed out, certain platforms (like Google and Yelp) do not allow you to incentive users. Use carefully, and to be safe, stick to platforms where it’s allowed. 90034 90031 90013 15. Promote The Reviews You Already Have. 90014 Reviews work a lot like UGC; this makes sense since they’re a form of user generated content. If you promote and feature the reviews you’ve already gotten, more users will be more likely to leave some, too. 90034 90031 90013 16.Place CTAs on Your Site. 90014 This is another form of «it never hurts to ask.» Many sites now have social media widgets or plugins somewhere within them where they display UGC and customer reviews. Place a CTA next to them that specifically encourages users to «Leave us a Review» can be extremely effective. Direct, clear, concise CTAs are used in marketing for a good reason, and they can work just as well here as everywhere else. 90034 90035 90002 90184 90184 90003 90030 90031 90013 17.Incentivize Employees to Ask for Reviews. 90014 If you’re the business’s owner or head of a department, train your employees to ask more reviews. Many employees take pride in their work, but need to be reminded to ask for reviews. If you can incentivize them to ask for more reviews, everyone wins; have a contest, and whichever employee gets the most or best (or both!) customer reviews on social media can win a prize. Whoever has the most direct interaction and relationships with the customers should be the ones to ask.90034 90031 90013 18. Use Timing to Your Advantage. 90014 If you ask customers at the right time, they’ll be a lot more likely to leave you a review on social media. For businesses who may not have continual clients (like real estate agents or mortgage brokers), contact the client 3-5 days after a purchase. Ensure that they’re still happy, thank them for their purchase, and ask for a review. This time frame is optimal; you’re fresh in their mind and they’re familiar with you. 90034 90031 90013 19.Do not Delete Negative Reviews. 90014 Deleting negative reviews can actually hurt you if anyone notices, and result in a perceived loss of transparency. Instead, use these negative reviews to your advantage by addressing them. Apologize for the user’s experience, and offer a solution to resolve the complaint. If you can not, ask to contact the user through email or private message. Other users will still see the negative review, but they’ll also see that you took ownership of the situation and tried to make it right.This counts for a lot. 90034 90035 90002 90202 90202 90003 90030 90031 90013 20. Tell Users Exactly Where You Want Them to Review. 90014 In many cases, being specific can benefit you. Ask users to leave reviews on specific platforms. You can also ask them to mention the employee who helped them by name, or ask them to mention how your business helped them. If users know what to write, they do not have to think about what to put down; this makes it easier for them. 90034 90031 90013 21.Utilize Display Plugins. 90014 There are a million and one plugins that we can use to help us promote our businesses, and some of them can help us get more reviews on social media. The Facebook Reviews plugin for WordPress, for example, lets you display Facebook reviews on your site; Smash Balloon does the same. You can also use tools to showcase LinkedIn recommendations on your site. Most of these plugins let users easily navigate to your site to view the recommendations; when combined with a CTA, these tools can help you get more reviews fast.90034 90035 90002 90216 90216 90003 90030 90031 90013 22. Make Reviews a Contest Participation Requirement. 90014 If you want to generate conversation and get more reviews at once, you can make leaving reviews a mandatory part of a social contest. Make sure you clarify that to enter, you must write an honest review, and the contents will not be taken into consideration. You can not track this with social contest software, and make sure you are not breaking any platform violations if you host the contest on-site.You can always have a raffle for participants that you announce on social but carry out offline. 90034 90031 90013 23. Print Requests on Receipts. 90014 This is another brick-and-mortar specific tactic; print out receipts with «Leave us a Review on Facebook / Yelp / Google» instructions on the bottom. Many people keep their receipts. If you’re in the B2B industry, many clients may scan their receipts into invoicing software later to keep track of business expenses. The more you can remind customers to leave you reviews, the better.90034 90031 90013 24. Follow Up. 90014 Following up is an important business strategy, and it can help you get more reviews. You have to be gentle with this; do not be pushy. But especially with customers you have close relationships with, you can say «hey, did you ever get a chance to write a review for us?» If you have a close personal relationship with the customer, you can do what my kickboxing instructor does: «If you remember this time, I will not make you run.» Incentives + favors + follow ups all in one.90034 90031 90013 25. Wait a While … and Then Ask Again. 90014 This tactic should be used extremely carefully and over a longer period of time. It can be used when your customers either forgot to leave reviews, or if you’d like to ask them to leave a review on another platform. I’d wait for a few months (even as long as six) before asking for a second review, and when you do, thank them profusely for the first. 90034 90035 90016 Final Thoughts 90017 90002 Getting more reviews on social media can take a little effort, but it’s an investment that will pay off.90003 90002 To get started, choose the specific platform (s) that will benefit you most. Then ask your most loyal, engaged customers to leave reviews «as a favor.» Third, optimize all your platforms to make it easy for 90052 every 90053 user to come in contact with you. 90003 90002 By interacting with reviews and utilizing them as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll be able to generate more reviews in an upwards cycle that will benefit your business. You’ve just got to get started-and ask.90003 90002 90013 What do you think? How do you get more customer reviews on social media? How do you leverage the reviews you do get? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think! 90014 90003.90000 Customer Review Guidelines | Zappos.com 90001 90002 COMMUNITY GUIDELINES 90003 90002 Guidelines for Zappos.com Community Participation 90003 90006 We want to know what you think! As a Zappos customer, we invite you to participate in the Zappos Community by sharing authentic feedback about our products and services. These Community Guidelines will help you use Community features such as Customer Reviews and Product Questions and Answers. Your participation in the Zappos Community will help future shoppers make more informed buying decisions.So tell us — what did you like or not like about a specific product? Please be honest with your feedback! 90007 90006 We take the integrity of our Zappos Community very seriously. Any attempt to manipulate Community content or contribute false, misleading, or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited. If you violate our Guidelines or we determine in our sole discretion that your participation is abusive, deceptive, fraudulent or otherwise unlawful, we may restrict your ability to use Community features, remove your content, or suspend or terminate your account.Misconduct may also violate state and federal laws, including the Federal Trade Commission Act, and can lead to legal action and civil and criminal penalties. 90007 90006 We encourage anyone who suspects that content manipulation is taking place or that our Guidelines are being violated in any way to notify us at [email protected]. We will investigate the concern thoroughly and take any appropriate actions. 90007 90006 By accessing or using our Community features, you agree to our Terms of Use at http: // www.zappos.com/terms-of-use and to abide by these Guidelines as modified from time to time. These Guidelines apply to any content (including text, images, video, and links) you submit to Zappos and actions you take (such as voting on helpfulness) when using our Customer Reviews feature. Zappos may but shall not be obligated to post your submission. 90007 90002 ELIGIBILITY 90003 90006 To submit content using our Community features such as Customer Reviews and Product Questions and Answers, you must be at least 18 years old.90007 90002 RESPECT OTHERS 90003 90006 Zappos values ​​diverse opinions, so you may disagree with some content that you come across. Please keep in mind that something that may be disagreeable to you may not violate our Guidelines. In order to maintain a welcoming environment for all users, your participation in the Community must always be respectful of others. 90007 90002 COMMUNITY CONTENT RESTRICTIONS 90003 If the content you submit does not comply with these Guidelines, it will be rejected or removed.We are unable to accept the following content: 90006 90025 Inappropriate, Offensive or Illegal Content 90026 90007 90028 90029 Do not submit content that is libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening or inflammatory. For example, do not use obscenities or profanity, express hatred or intolerance for people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability, or promote organizations with such views. 90030 90029 Do not submit private information such as phone numbers, mailing addresses or other personal information.90030 90029 Do not engage in name-calling or attack people. 90030 90029 Do not submit content that encourages or supports behavior that is fraudulent, abusive, illegal or violent. 90030 90029 Do not impersonate other people or organizations. 90030 90039 90006 90025 Infringing Content 90026 90043 Do not submit content that infringes the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of others. Only submit your own content or content that you have permission to use. 90007 90006 90025 Sexual Content 90026 90043 Do not submit sexual content.We reserve the right to restrict sexual content on our site as some of our customers may be sensitive to such content. 90007 90006 90025 Promotional Content and Commercial Solicitations 90026 90043 In order to preserve the integrity of our Community content, content and activities consisting of advertising, promotion, or solicitation (whether direct or indirect) is not allowed, including: 90007 90028 90029 Creating, modifying, or submitting content regarding your (or your relative’s, close friend’s, business associate’s, or employer’s) products or services.90030 90029 Creating, modifying, or submitting content regarding your competitors ‘products or services. 90030 90029 Creating, modifying, or submitting content in exchange for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products) or on behalf of anyone else. 90030 90029 Offering compensation or requesting compensation (including free or discounted products) in exchange for creating, modifying, or submitting content. 90030 90029 Submitting advertisements or solicitations, including URLs with referrer tags or affiliate codes.90030 90039 The only exceptions are: 90043 You may submit content requested by Zappos such as Customer Reviews of products you purchased on Zappos or received through the Premier Reviewer program or the Zappos VIP Program. In those cases, your content must comply with any additional guidelines specified by Zappos and such reviews will be noted as having been reviewed by a Premier Reviewer or a Zappos VIP Member. Read more about the Premier Reviewer program here and the Zappos VIP Program here.90006 90025 Additional Non-compliant Content 90026 90007 90028 90029 Content that is not relevant to the product. 90030 90029 Content that includes non-Zappos URL’s or links, or links to phishing or other malware sites. 90030 90029 Content that is written in a language other than English unless there is a clear connection to the product such as a phrase appearing on the product or product page. 90030 90039 90002 HOW TO WRITE A GREAT CUSTOMER REVIEW 90003 90028 90029 Include the «why»: The best reviews include not only whether you liked or disliked a product, but also why.90030 90029 Be specific: Your review should be relevant to the product you’re reviewing and focus on specific features and / or your experience with the product. Comments about pricing or product availability are not about the product and should not be included in your review. 90030 90029 Not too short, not too long: Written reviews must be at least 1 sentence and are limited to 10,000 characters and 4 images per review. Reviews that include a video are limited to 1 minute in duration and 1 video per review.90030 90029 Be sincere: We welcome your honest opinion about the product. We do not remove reviews because they are critical of a product as long as the reviews comply with these Guidelines. 90030 90039 90002 HOW TO REQUEST REMOVAL OF A CUSTOMER REVIEW 90003 90006 After a review is submitted you can not delete the review. You may request removal of the review by contacting us at [email protected]. We may but shall not be obligated to remove your review except as required by law.Removal does not ensure the review will be completely or comprehensively deleted. 90007 90002 REPORTING VIOLATIONS AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ERRORS 90003 90006 If you believe Community content in the Customer Question and Answer feature violates our Guidelines, you can report the possible violation by clicking the Report link near the content. If you believe one of our product descriptions contains an error, please use the Report An Error link below each product description. You can submit your feedback by selecting «Reviews» and describing the error.90007 .90000 How To Ask For Reviews From Your Business Customers With Templates 90001 90002 If you have a business, you may be wondering how you can get more online reviews. Good reviews, after all, bring a lot of credibility to your company. One of the best ways to snag those important reviews is to ask your customers right after they purchase a product or receive a service from you. The general idea for asking for reviews is to strike while the iron is hot. 90003 90002 90003 90006 90007 Tips To Remember When Asking for Online Reviews 90008 90009 90002 There is a certain finesse to asking for reviews that can increase your chances of receiving more reviews.Our top three tips are pretty simple. 90003 90012 90013 90007 Ask when the customer is happiest. 90008 Nobody wants to rave about how great your business is if they’ve just finished complaining about your product or service. 90016 90013 90007 Ask the customer right after a service is completed (or the product is purchased). 90008 In the same vein of «striking while the iron is hot,» stay at the top of your client’s mind by asking for a review immediately after the transaction (while they’re most excited about your business.) 90016 90013 90007 Ask for feedback so you can help if they are unhappy. 90008 Asking for «feedback» instead of a review is much less intimidating to the customer. Plus, if they’re sour about their experience with you, you’d much rather alleviate any issues first before having them post a poor review about your company. Asking for feedback shows you care about their experience. 90016 90025 90006 90007 Email Templates & Company Communication Makes Everything Easier 90008 90009 90002 90003 90002 Since asking for reviews can be tricky, having a set-in-stone process can ensure consistency across your company.If multiple employees will be asking for reviews, using the same email templates company-wide is a great way to appear professional and keep your entire company on the same page. 90003 90002 Effective communication-to the client and internally-saves you a lot of headaches. 90003 90002 To help you craft your review-request emails, we will show you a list of examples you can send to your customers. 90003 90002 Note: These are generic examples and you should tweak these templates to better reflect your business, but using these templates can protect you from negative reviews help you gain more positive reviews for your business.90003 90002 90003 90006 90007 Example Email Templates 90008 90009 90046 90007 Product Feedback Email Template 90008 90049 90002 90007 Who should use it: 90008 If you sell any tangible products, you will want to ask for product reviews. These show consumers the value of the products you’re selling. Reviews greatly increase trust in what you sell. 90003 90002 90055 Dear [CUSTOMER NAME], 90056 90003 90002 90055 We are so thrilled you’ve chosen to purchase [specific product name] from us.How are you liking it so far? We are working hard to build a higher quality product for our customers by listening to buyers ‘comments and concerns. 90056 90003 90002 90055 We would love to learn more about your opinion. Can you please fill out this survey to give us some feedback? 90056 90003 90046 90007 LINK TO FEEDBACK SURVEY 90008 90049 90002 90055 Our goal is to continue offering top-notch products at good prices, and your review could greatly help us to continue doing so. 90056 90003 90002 90055 I really appreciate you taking out the time to help us improve our offerings! 90056 90003 90002 90055 Thank you, 90056 90003 90002 90055 FIRST NAME 90056 90003 90002 Note: There are several survey services that you can try.Here are a few that we recommend. 90003 90046 90007 Service-Based Business — Direct Review Ask Template 90008 90049 90002 90007 Who should use it: 90008 If you provide any type of service-photography, plumbing, accounting, construction etc.-this email template will help you gather those crucial online reviews directly to the platform that you need reviews on. 90003 90002 90055 Suggested Subject: We’d like your feedback! 90056 90003 90002 90055 Hi 90056 90055 [90056 90055 FIRST NAME 90056 90055] 90056 90055, 90056 90003 90002 Thank you for [describe client relationship, whether loyal, new, etc.]. It has been my pleasure helping [service you provide]. 90003 90002 90055 Reviews help our business build an online presence and helps others learn about us. We value your opinion, 90056 90055 ould you be willing to take a few minutes to 90056 leave us a 90055 review? 90056 90003 90002 90055 You can click this link to leave 90056 90055 us a 90056 90055 review. 90056 90003 90002 90055 Thank you so much for taking 90056 90055 time out of your day, we appreciate you! 90056 90003 90002 Best regards, 90137 90055 [90056 90055 YOUR NAME 90056 90055] 90056 90003 90002 90003 90046 90007 Asking for a Yelp Review 90008 90049 90002 90003 90002 90007 Who should use this: 90008 Every service or product-based company including restaurants, lawyers, consultant, contractor etc.Yelp’s review policy clearly states, «Do not ask customers, mailing list subscribers, friends, family, or anyone else to review your business.» However, you can simply allude to your Yelp profile page and nudge the customer in the right direction. 90003 90002 90055 Hi [CUSTOMER NAME], 90056 90003 90002 90055 I see you’ve recently visited our establishment, [business name]. I wanted to follow-up with you to check in about your experience. Did you enjoy everything? 90056 90003 90002 90055 We are committed to providing our customers with a fantastic experience, and your feedback helps us make that possible.90056 90003 90002 90055 LINK TO YELP PROFILE 90056 90003 90002 90055 Thank you for your time, 90056 90003 90002 90055 [YOUR FIRST NAME] 90056 90003 90046 90007 Asking for a Google Review 90008 90049 90002 90003 90002 90007 Who should use this: 90008 If you have a 90190 Google Business Page 90191 (and you should), you should be seeking Google Reviews. Google Reviews increase your visibility when people search for your services or products via Google. 90003 90002 90055 Dear 90056 90055 [CUSTOMER NAME] 90056 90003 90002 90055 How often do you use online reviews to make buying decisions? In today’s digital world, online reviews are very important to companies like ours.That’s why I’m asking for a favor. 90056 90003 90002 90055 Will you take a moment of your time to jot down some feedback on our Google Business Page ? It’s a very quick and easy way for you to make a difference in how our company 90056 90055 provides 90056 90055 services 90056 90055 for 90056 90055 you. 90056 90003 90002 90055 Please feel free to give us a call should you have immediate feedback or concerns about your 90056 90055 [90056 90055 product or service purchased 90056 90055] 90056 90055.We want to hear from you and are happy to answer your questions. 90056 90003 90002 90055 Thank you for your time and business! 90056 90003 90002 90055 [YOUR 90056 90055 FIRST NAME 90056 90055] 90056 90003 90006 90007 Asking for a Facebook Review 90008 90009 90002 90003 90002 90007 Who should use this: 90008 Companies who want Facebook reviews or another social media page where you want reviews. 90003 90002 90055 Hi 90056 90055 [CUSTOMER 90056 90055 NAME 90056 90055] 90056 90055, 90056 90003 90002 90055 I’m writing to thank you for choosing us for 90056 90055 [90056 90055 product or service 90056 90055] 90056 90055.It’s our priority to continue providing top-notch service to customers like you, and the best way for us to improve is through customer feedback. 90056 90003 90002 90055 Because social media is so crucial for users to ask for help on buying decisions, we have been focusing on increasing our Facebook presence. It helps us listen to our customers and make changes to the way we do business accordingly. Would you be willing to leave us a review on Facebook? It should only take a couple minutes and would make an immense difference to our company.90056 90003 90002 90055 If you are willing, you can follow 90056 90055 [90056 90055 this link 90056 90055] 90056 90055 to leave a Facebook review for us. 90056 90003 90002 90055 Please let me know if you are not pleased with 90056 90055 [90056 90055 product or service 90056 90055] 90056 90055, and we can speak about it personally so you are sure you’ve heard. 90056 90003 90002 90055 Thank you again for your business and your time! 90056 90003 90002 90055 Best regards, 90056 90003 90002 90055 [90056 90055 YOUR NAME 90056 90055] 90056 90003 90006 90007 Stay True to Your Business 90008 90009 90002 As we mentioned above, these templates are meant to be used as guidelines, and they might not work for every single situation you encounter.Use them as a starting point to help you craft the most effective emails for your company, and be sure to use your own voice so customers do not feel they’re talking to a robot. 90003 90002 The best results can come when you stay true to your brand, so tweak as needed. Good luck reaching out and getting new online reviews! 90003 90002 90003 90002 90003 .

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